• 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • In his defence, the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom has to meet with and negotiate with all kinds of unsavoury cunts across the globe. It kinda goes with the territory.

    This is also, however, the same David Lammy that when questioned about calling for a vote on assisted dying and whether he would respect his constituent’s preference for a vote said, “I will follow my faith and vote against it because I believe in the sanctity of life under God” (paraphrasing but pretty much this). That’s not how you represent people you smarmy dick.

    Unfortunately I think the calculation Lammy is doing is how many votes and how much money Labour will lose if they took a principled stance against Israel’s actions in the Middle East.

  • Then they should stop using communications that contain profanity in their broadcasts.

    They do that when they have enough time to redact the profanity. It’s always bleeped out. But in a live situation when you don’t have time to edit a beep in you’re going to have some fall through the cracks.

    I don’t know if you watch any other sport on British TV but it’s the same there. For example in Rugby the referee is actually mic’d up and you always hear some fruity language from the players. And when that leaks into the ref’s mic and gets accidentally broadcast the commentators apologise because they don’t want to be seen as breaching the rules.

    In general you probably don’t want to broadcast foul language when children might be watching. But you also can’t avoid foul language at sporting events that happen to be broadcast at the hours children might be watching. So you have to do something to tread that line.

    And, look, if you still disagree then maybe switch to a Dutch stream of the coverage where apparently it’s totally normal to swear like a pirate at any time of day 🤷.

  • As a non native english speaker it’s always funny to me, how the commentators on Sky F1 immediately apologize for the “dirty” words the drivers use.

    This is actually required by law. It’s party of their broadcasting licence that they don’t use profanity before “the watershed” (2100 at night). If they receive a complaint that they were seen to allow the profanity they get fined. And repeat offending will lose their broadcast licence.

    It’s dumb and you may not agree with it, but that’s the rules.