• 66 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Well, no. You’re incorrect on a few levels.

    Firstly, GOS was founded by people from the UK and then joined by people from France, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Poland and Italy. In the 5 years of our existence, we’ve had US based Orders for less than a year.

    Secondly, GOS operates on a federated model - each Order is entirely independent of the others. There is an international code of conduct which is as minimal as we can get it (no under 18s, all Orders much be operated democratically, all finances must be transparent to all its members) but other than that, for example, GOS UK has no say how GOS Poland operates. However, we can also come together to help each other if needed.

    Thirdly, I don’t know where in the world you’re from but I’m in the UK where, despite chrisitianity being the religion of less than half of the population, we still have 26 unelected bishops in law making positions, there are laws mandating christian worship in schools and a growing faction within the Tory party are pushing for christian based legislation.

  • No, they’re not just assholes. If they were just that, nobody would give a shit. I understand what you think they’re doing and I understand why you think it’s a good thing. As I said to someone else, there’s literally no way for anyone to summarise everything. You can either watch it or not, I can’t make you.

    It’s an oddity of the whole situation that 90% of the ‘ordinary’ members of TST are good people who want good things, but the owners of TST (and they are the owners, TST is also a registered business as well as a tax-exempt religion) are really not and they have absolute control over it.

  • My take on that is that is that its entirely possible to disagree with and not support any number of bad groups. I definitely wouldn’t want my kids exposed to either group.

    The issues raised in this story are to do with education, but the issues with both groups are concerning and go beyond education. I’m not sure not opposing one of them because they’re not as established as the other or less awful than the other is really valid. Being less awful is not equal to not awful at all.

  • I’m a Satanist and affiliated with neither CoS or TST. The leadership of TST are not good people. One of them tried to make himself the god of a cargo cult and the other has a history of making racist, antisemitic and ablist statements. He also owned a website about eugenics until 2018.

    That video I linked to is long but it is very well sourced and I hope might give you a bit more insight into who you’re supporting if you choose to join or donate to them. There’s a lot of comments under the video from ex-TST members, including Ministers and Chapter Heads who’ve been badly burnt by TST.

  • The answer in both cases is ‘cultural norms and expectations’. Something that I don’t think rapists would give much of a shit about. If a man is willing to break laws to assault someone, a cultural norm would seem to be pretty low on their list of concerns.

    Over here in the UK, during the noughties gender neutral bathrooms were popping up in offices everywhere. They were seen as a cool thing that good employers did. It wasn’t anything to do with non-cis people demanding it, it just happened organically. It was a fairly brief trend and died out after the financial crash as costs were cut but people of all genders thought they were fine. It seemed a rare moment of sanity to me. We all piss and shit the same way so a loo has always seemed (to me) a very weird place to be designated as a woman only space, or a man only space come to that.

    According to the latest census data the trans population of the UK is about 0.5% of the 16+ population with 0.1% identifying as trans men and 0.1% identifying as trans women. Thats about 45,000 people in each group, across the whole of the UK.

    The UK has lost its collective shit when it’s making decisions that effectively punish trans people based on such an incredibly low number of people, especially when there’s literally zero indication that trans women are potential rapists or are in anyway going to negatively affect women’s rights. More than half the country are cis-women/girls. How on Earth does anyone imagine 45,000 people are a threat to to 30million+? The trans women I know just want to live their lives without being made to feel like shit.

  • Leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoThe Satanic Temple@lemmy.worldNeed to watch.
    2 months ago

    It’s a very informative and well put together video. For those of us who’ve known about a lot of the things Doug and Cevin have got up to both before TST began and since, it’s interesting to see non-Satanic progressive activists beginning to look deeper into how they operate. It’s also fascinating to witness the level of denial some current members operate under.

    I think this is the 3rd YT-er to look at them. illuminaughti is obviously the biggest with their 1.5million subscribers but Dead Domain is much newer so whilst I think ‘wannabe’ is a bit harsh, it’s true that 80k is not 1.5million. Even so, there’s a few very interesting comments from past members and (appalled) current members learning all this for the first time in the comment section of that video.