Also I guess gay men don’t exist. But would not be surprised someone with such a bad take also has bad ideas about queerness
Also I guess gay men don’t exist. But would not be surprised someone with such a bad take also has bad ideas about queerness
I used to use RPG.net a lot. They have pretty strict moderation, which keeps the place from turning into some kinds of shit holes. But you also can’t tell someone they’re a fool, or all Republicans are traitors. Takes some getting used to, but is probably worth it.
It would be important that the regulation is constantly protected. The forces of greed will constantly be trying to dismantle it, and people are kind of stupid.
Maybe the woodchippers do some of the heavy lifting there, but you then need to make sure they don’t get used for evil
Unchecked capitalism also leads to bad outcomes, including ecological collapse.
We need something that isn’t “a handful of people have all the power”
Is there a name for the trope where someone gets upset so they stop listening, even if you’re right?
I really thought this was the onion. Satire is dead. Republicans are scum.
I think if we get through this, we’ll look back at this in horror… for about 60 years, and then we’ll have a crop of neo-trumpists because no one ever seems to learn anything.
Sometimes I think about the billions of dollars of wasted productivity caused by Outlook being so bad at rendering email.
Also frustrating: how end users don’t care. You can explain how Uber mistreats employees or Airbnb causes rents to rise double digit percentages, but they’ll just be like “oh but it’s convenient”.
Twitter is a Nazi bar but “it has such good memes!”
If people cared just a little more, things could be so much better.
every American worker pays into the social security system as a tax on income.
One irritating note on this: there’s a limit to how much social security tax you pay per year. So if you’re making a lot of income, you just stop paying this tax partway through the year.
This is pants on head stupid and regressive. It should be the other way around. Your first, let’s say $10,000 should be exempt from the tax, and it should get steeper as income goes up.
Rich guy absolutely does not need the bump in take home pay from hitting the cap. Poor guy definitely could use the extra income early income not being taxed.
I’m just so mad all the time about people licking the boots of the rich. They don’t need breaks! They’re rich! They’re going to be fine!
Right! Resigning is not enough! If a regular person leaked secrets they would face more damning consequences.
I’m thinking what Musk would have done at the end of endgame. Certainly not a heroic sacrifice.
They believe in “there must be in-groups for the law to protect but not bind, and out-groups for the law to bind but not protect”.
Reddit is a for profit private capitalist enterprise. It has no soul and no sense of right and wrong. I’m not saying we should execute their leadership, but i wouldn’t be mad if they all died
It would have been really bad but I would have been briefly ecstatic if like all the key Republicans were just rounded up and shot for being traitors.
Probably be better off overall.
I am skeptical of things that sound too good to be true, and also I feel like the current US government would fuck it up, but maybe things won’t be terrible forever.
It’s like the “We’re all trying to find the guy who did this” skit with the guy in the hotdog suit and the hotdog car.
I remember talking to a coworker at a tech startup once. He was leaving to go work for some like military intelligence spy company. I was like, “But what if they have you work on something fucked up, like spying on innocent people, or sending drones to kill people?” He was like, big shrug, the pay is good.
Some people just don’t care about other people. He was nice to people he knew, when it didn’t really cost him anything.
Our society isn’t really set up to discourage that kind of worldview. That kind of selfish person typically thrives.
This is a deeply off topic whataboutism that only serves to distract from how horrible the trump administration is. You are benefitting the conservatives.
Others have touched on this but this also feels downstream from the capitalist hellscape. Most people don’t have a lot of spending money. Movies are pricey and a bad money:time ratio.
I bet if wages were up, more people would go to the theater. I don’t want to spend $40 to watch a movie and eat popcorn, but I’d consider it for $3.