• 50 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • jet@hackertalks.comtoBitwarden@discuss.tchncs.deMother Problem
    6 minutes ago

    Export all her logins from the app she can still use.

    Going forward, you can make your account the emergency escalation for her account, it would take a week to reset the password, but you can do it.

    You can store her master password in your vault. Or on a piece of paper stored in a safe, a bank, a friend’s house.

  • TPM in the SOC to transform the “convenient” pin into more robust encryption keys is the gold standard for civilian devices.

    “computers” (of which a phone very much is) also use a TPM for this very reason.

    But even taking what you say as gospel, the device isn’t insecure, its how people are using it.

    I will stand by my comments a phone is the MOST secure device a civilian will use. Even with a secured desktop computer where someone diligently types in a 64 bit random code to unencrypt the hard drive… if they use the computer as a general purpose device, the threat surface raises dramatically. Now information and programs are not compartmentalized, install one bad program and it can trivially take over everything.

  • I think phones are the MOST secure devices most people have. They are locked down, they run software in very restricted containers, they have more restrictive feature allowance. for 99% of the people the phone is the most secure device, full stop.

    Can you do better on a computer? Sure, but it takes a bunch of work and isn’t the out of box experience

  • jet@hackertalks.comtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlIs pixel 4a too old for a new phone?
    2 days ago

    The hardware driver updates are absolutely critical if you want to have a secure phone. The phone has to be within the support window, to get any hardware driver updates. The risk surface of a phone’s hardware is huge, you’ve got the Bluetooth drivers, you’ve got the Wi-Fi drivers, you’ve got the modem drivers, and any other sensors I may have forgotten about.

  • I’m sorry you went through that lived experience, but if that’s the first piece of information somebody learns about you, it’s going to put you at a disadvantage to building strong relationships.

    It’s just very general, if somebody hears you being negative about somebody who was in your life, people are going to be guarded about introducing you into their lives. So it makes it harder to win friends, and influence people. Not that it can’t be done, you’re just doing it with a disadvantage