• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Imagine for a moment that you lived in a world where the vast majority of people were different from you. They liked to eat something that you find disgusting: we’ll say gravel. Their humor relied on advanced knowledge of something that you didn’t have knowledge of, like string theory.

    Every day that you turn on your television, you see shows making “fun” of people who don’t understand string theory and who don’t find chewing on gravel to be an ideal meal. Every day when you are at work, people look at your food and ask, “why aren’t you eating gravel? Is something wrong with you?” Every time that you try to make friends, they rapidly shoot lines back and forth about string theory that you don’t understand, and when they notice how lost you are, they shame you for it. When you try to tell them about something you find interesting, they call you “embarrassingly unscientific” or something, and exclude you.

    So you’re tired, because it feels like the whole world is against you. And you go home and settle down for the day, and you call up a good friend because you just want to feel seen and understood. And your friend sees your dinner on the camera, and they say “Rockless dinner again? You’re so picky! It’s not hard to just sprinkle a little limestone on top, you know.” They then proceed to tell an elaborate joke about string theory, which they know you won’t understand, and then get angry when you don’t find it funny and tell you to lighten up.

    Wouldn’t you feel terrible if this was how your ‘friend’ treated you? Would you really find their treatment “good-natured?”

    Sure, some of your friends may actually be able to tolerate this ribbing. But the vast majority of autistic people are just tired of the constant jokes at their expense. They might not say anything about it, because it’s so commonplace that if they pushed back people would say they’re “making a scene.” Other downtrodden groups also face this and are stereotyped as “angry black women” etc when they put up boundaries about how others should treat them. And so many people learn to just grin and bear it, in the name of keeping the peace and avoiding drawing attention.

    I’d also like to address this phrase specifically, emphasis mine:

    A person’s ability to accept good natured humor at their expense […]

    Autism is called a disability, meaning that there is a difference between the ability levels of autistic and non-autistic people for certain things. Some autistic people lack the ability to parse this kind of humor. It is not their fault. It is not a judgement on their character as a person. It’s merely a part of who they are. You don’t tell someone that they’re lesser as a person because they can’t shoot a bullseye, write with their non-dominant hand, do long division in their head, or understand recordings when played backwards. These things are as arbitrary as being able to understand sarcasm, to sit still, or to follow a conversation in a noisy room.

    And, frankly, it’s not as funny as you think it is, so I don’t blame people for not thinking that it is. You seem somewhat defensive of your brand of humor — which I understand, because it can feel like some sort of judgement on your skill level or something — but can you not just… make other jokes?

  • I do believe that is the point of the post; however, it also implies that the kind of person it describes does not understand that they are actually engaging in bullying behaviours.

    Ableism is so entrenched in society that “teasing” (thought of as playful, but is actually harmful) people for being a little different is not seen as anything to bat an eye at. Media upholds the normalization of this kind of ableism through shaming these traits in the form of “jokes” — meaning that when people in turn do it to others, they often believe themselves to be engaging in funny banter. When it is actually creating an environment that others autistic and neurodivergent people. Ie, upholding systemic ableism. All without their knowledge.

    The point of a post such as this is partially for autistic people to commiserate, but also hopefully for a few people to stop and think about their own behaviour. If they are the kind of person who wishes to be inclusive to autistic people, seeing this might make them realize how they do unconsciously bully autistic people when they denigrate people with these traits. And hopefully they will stop, though it takes time to deconstruct and unlearn this kind of behaviour.

  • Upholding the hegemony of neurotypicality as the “acceptable” way to be, and the encouraging of neurodiverse people to mask their (fine, unharmful) behaviours. Masking which actively harms them.

    All this does is promote ongoing ableism. I beg that you read something about the experiences of autistic people and come to understand how marginalized and harmed they are by this continual shaming of these traits. Traits that are not harmful, or even uncommon. They’re just different, and less normalized.

  • If it’s okay for an autistic person to have these traits, why can’t someone else? This kind of mindset is what makes the world so inherently hostile to autistic people. Even if you don’t shame people whom you know to have autism for these traits, you are still communicating to them that you think these traits are bad when you shame others for having them.

    And why are these traits “bad?” None of these really affect anyone but the person who has them. Picky eating limits the person’s own choices, not your own. Their lack of understanding of humor or sarcasm isolates them socially from others, not you. It’s not a reflection on the quality of your joke. Their awkwardness hurts themself significantly more than it can possibly hurt you. Not wanting to be touched is a basic personal boundary that should be respected no matter whose boundary it is. Fidgeting is a harmless motion. Most of what we shame for being “cringey” interests are rooted in misogyny anyway, and others’ interests do not harm you in any way. Meltdowns are something that anyone can experience, if pushed to the brink. Autistic people just happen to have more sensitivities, and also to live in a world that is actively hostile to them. Of course they will be pushed to the brink more often.

    It can be hard to unlearn ableism. And I hope you’re able to read these words with an open mind and take the time to introspect on why you hold the beliefs that you have expressed here, and try to understand the harm that they cause to autistic people. It’s especially harmful to express them here — as I’m glad that you noticed, and walked back — but I wanted to also address you in a more general way, because I believe that this sentiment would have been harmful even if you had expressed it on 196 (where you stated that you originally thought you were.)

  • I have a few different ones going on, but so far I have to say that my favourite has been a Ranger 2 / Thief Rogue 10 build that has really come into its own thanks to items.

    Ranger 2 for medium armor proficiency (not relevant until Act II), fighting style, and Hunter’s Mark.

    Thief Rogue 10 for extra bonus action, sneak attack dice, evasion, uncanny dodge, and feats.

    This turned into a crit fishing build, and so we must turn off automatic sneak attacks. Change it so the game asks every time, and then only apply it on a critical hit, or the last attack of the turn if no crits happened.

    Notable equipment includes:

    • Covert Cowl to increase crit chance
    • Armor of Agility to get his AC to 22
    • Knife of the Mountain King for increased crit chance and Advantage against targets in the dark
    • The Dead Shot for increased crit chance (and its other effect works amazingly well with Sharpshooter)
    • Surgeon’s Subjugation Amulet for an auto-paralyze on a crit
    • And finally, for your second melee weapon, anything Light with Finesse will do but if you want to destroy spellcasters I highly recommend Sussur Dagger.
    • Elixir of Viciousness for big battles, to increase crit chance.

    The crux of this build is to have as many possible chances to hit/crit as possible, and to attempt to get an extra Sneak Attack each round thanks to your Reaction. I took the Mage Slayer feat to give myself an extra chance, but Sentinel will also do. I was just building specifically to fuck up Cazador.

    With one of those two feats, if you are in melee you should be able to trigger a reaction attack each round. Now, these reaction attacks are programmed poorly, and you seem to get both a main-hand and an off-hand attack on them, doubling our chances to get a hit/crit. You also get Sneak Attack on this if you have an adjacent ally or Advantage on the attack.

    Additionally, a hit with the Sussur Dagger silences the target for two rounds, making casters unable to do much of anything except bonk you with a stick.

    With this build you should be critting on a 17, getting Sneak Attack twice per round and hopefully applying it on a critical hit, be extremely hard to hit (add Cloak of Displacement to make it even harder,) shut down mages from casting with ease, and just generally a menace.

  • The idea that only secretly queer people are homophobic is in itself homophobic and I’d like to see it stop being perpetuated in queer communities. Heterosexual people are responsible for heteronormativity, and therefore the vast majority of homophobia.

    Are there some closeted, self-hating gays out there? Yes.

    Does that mean every homophobe is a closeted, self-hating gay? No.

  • Install Stylus > Write New Style > Import and then copy/paste this in. Keep in mind that I removed a lot of my specific tweaks for sites I use, because that’s PII. You will encounter many more weird issues on random sites than you do with DarkReader, but if you’re used to working with userCSS you’ll probably have no issues fixing those. The way this essentially works is by inverting your entire browser screen, then rotating the hue so the colours of website themes aren’t weird, then it inverts images back to normal. I’m sure there is a way to do this without inverting the images in the first place, but it would involve one hell of a lot more code than this. I wrote this originally in about 3 minutes.

    html, iframe {
        filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
    img, div[background-image], div[style*="background-image"], video  {
        filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
    @-moz-document domain("lemmy.ml"), domain("ultimate-guitar.com"), domain("open.spotify.com"), domain("discord.com"), domain("localhost") {
    /* Exemptions for sites that already have a dark mode */
    html, iframe {
        filter: none;
    img, div[background-image], div[style*="background-image"], video  {
        filter: none;
    @-moz-document domain("youtube.com") {
    #movie_player {
        filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
    video {
        filter: none;
    @-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.google.com/maps") {
    div[aria-label="Street View"] canvas, div[aria-label="Photo"] canvas, button[data-photo-index] {
        filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
    div[role="img"] {
        filter: none;