• 119 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • But that’s the thing: he didn’t start out as socially conservative. Neither did my other friend who was just a fiscal conservative who just slowly slid over to blaming “woke” for everything and no longer approves of my “lifestyle”, which is about as boring as can be but being an enby is apparently a choice now – at least she hasn’t told me she’s dreaming of genocide, so there’s that.

    The one fiscal conservative I know who hasn’t started sliding into full-on fascist bullshit is still more than happy to associate with eg. the “I want all minorities to go away” dude and tell me to “respect differences of opinion” if I make it clear I won’t be OK with bigotry. That just leaves me thinking that he probably agrees more with those people than he wants to let on, but being an actual (municipal) politician he doesn’t want to say it out loud.