• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • “I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious,” the 81-year-old Biden said Friday. “I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong and I know how to do this job.”

    trump didn’t think he was wrong when he was breaking human rights laws on our southern border.

    And Biden apparently doesn’t either now that he’s doing it.

    My point being the people who do evil shit, usually dont think of themselves as evil.

    The problem with Biden, is on issues like Israel where the vast majority of not only his party but the country won’t him him to calm the fuck down. He never will

    Because he is absolutely sure his outdated morals are the best, and he’s not listening to anyone that disagrees with him.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    5 hours ago

    My bet is that Trump’s stream of bullshit just threw Biden off completely,

    So, you think during those Camp David prep sessions everyone was talking about pre debate…

    Not a single person expected trump would show up and act exactly like he has in the last two elections?

    And you think it’s fine to leave these people in charge of beating trump?

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    5 hours ago

    Then the Dems just went like OK we’ll never ever do something like that again.

    I mean, it’s because instead of pulling the DNC left. He just abandoned it because it was a relic of the past and it was easier to just ignore the DNC and let state parties handle their own shit.

    His mistake was not completely burning the DNC down. So after he left office and moderates retook control in 2016, they’ve made a lot of moves to ensure a moderate or Republican are the only two options.

    People talk about how much Obama pissed off trump.

    But its nothing compared to how much Obama pissed off “moderates”.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    5 hours ago

    People aren’t even giving him crediting for beating Medicare!


    In all seriousness though, I just can’t understand how someone can watch the 2020 debate and 2024 debate, and say the only thing wrong with Biden was his voice…

    Like, he wasn’t great in 2020, but 2024 made it sound like Obama in comparison.

  • Fact checkers challenged many of Trump’s statements. Trump falsely said that he “brought back (college) football”; as he had commented on his wish for the conferences to play, but took no official action. Trump also repeated the claim that he “got back” Seattle and Minneapolis from left-wing protesters, and continued to repeat conspiracy theories about voter fraud. He said, without evidence, that drug prices will fall “80 or 90 percent,” in reference to his efforts to cut drug prices[50] and exaggerated that he is making insulin at prices “so cheap, it’s like water”, despite insulin prices remaining fixed at about $300 per vial. Trump also misleadingly said that the U.S. economy before the pandemic was “the greatest economy in the history of our country”; although GDP growth was high in the first three years of the Trump presidency, it was higher under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Bill Clinton, and the unemployment rate was lower under Eisenhower.[51] Nominal GDP was higher than at any point in US history, but this is true for the large majority of US Presidencies.


  • Because if progressives hold their noses and vote for a moderate, the moderate gets to appoint the DNC chair and other leadership/voting positions.

    Pretty much the only way they lose those positions, is if a more progressive Dem wins the presidency.

    If a Republican wins the general, the DNC votes for its own leadership, including all those people the moderate president last appointed. So they usually retain power of the party.

    Obama was a little progressive, but he hated the DNC so much he basically abandoned it instead of trying to save it. So it’s been ratcheting to the right for 30 years now.

    There was the very very brief window after DWS had to resign where a progressive got to see behind the curtain, and it was a total shit show.

    It still is, but it used to be too.


    Those same “moderates” keep telling us we can’t worry about this because of trump, because they know the Dem.party doesn’t want them. They’re just willing to risk trump rather than lose control of the party

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldCoulda, shoulda, did nota
    8 hours ago

    Now the DNC has a shocked pikachu face that he is unfit for office and they need to produce an alternative.

    If only we had some kind of “pre election” where members of the party got to hear from potential candidates and their positions so the party can be sure they’re putting forth the best possible candidate…


    Maybe call it: The Primary?

  • The stigma of primary challenges exists because old guard Dems want everything to run off seniority, because they have the seniority.

    And you could kind of make that argument when it was capping out at 30 years experience.

    Biden has been in the federal government for about half a century.

    When there’s no cap to age, people hang around waiting for their turn, which clogs senior positions and prevents you get generations from getting experience.

    It all comes down to old people refusing to step aside for the next generations, and those old people all agreeing that they should hold onto power till they die in office.

    They won’t step aside, so for the good of the party, they need to be set aside.

    Voters are more important than any party. We don’t need them, they need us.