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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023

  • I’m also an early millenial / late GenX and broadly support the things you mention.

    At the same time, how do you explain that earlier generations were happy to start families well before national pharma care, etc.? Before people were concerned with the climate crisis they were terrified of a population explosion (hence China’s one-child policy), nuclear war, etc.

    My intuition is that the difference is that they were more financially stable and they were able to maintain a family with a single income, which provided them with both the money and the time that raising children require. So, maybe we should focus on that instead.

  • Basically, the “no immigration” path i

    That is a strawman of your own creation. All I said is that I want my children to have the opportunity to have kids of their own if they wish to, which currently seems unlikely because our government does not prioritize fostering the conditions under which young people choose to start families.

    I would prefer Canada to grow primarily through its own means rather than relying so heavily on immigration to avoid economic collapse.

    If you prefer not having kids or grandchildren, that’s fine by me, but don’t assume we all want the same things.

  • Please stop being disingenuous. You know perfectly well that what we want is doable because it is already being done in many places in Europe and Japan. Stop fighting a strawman of your own creation.

    We want fewer private motor vehicles in our streets because car-centric urban planning translates into places that are unpleasant to live in, especially for people who don’t drive.

    I live right by a busy stroad. How many of the cars whizzing by do you think are delivery vehicles? How many busses? Very few compared to the number obese SUVs and lifted pickups, even though there are four large supermarkets and many shops within walking distance along this corridor.

    If we reduced the number of private motor vehicles in this stroad the quality of life for my family would significantly increase: less air pollution, less traffic noise, more pleasant daily errands, less risk of being run over by a tank-sized ego booster, more room for trees and bicycles.

    Stop spewing bullshit and fear. Let my kids and I hope for a better future.

  • Vehicle safety needs to expand to the other side of the windshield.

    I would take it further and day that regulations should prioritize the safety of the people outside the vehicle over the people inside, for the simple reason that the people buying the vehicle already have a strong incentive to maximize their own safety, while they currently have zero concerns about the safety of pedestrians.

    Pedestrians, on the other hand, don’t have the freedom to choose which vehicle runs them over, so it is up to regulations to advocate for them because nobody else will.

  • For example, a “women’s only” group may be for a group of women who are healing from a sexually violent relationship, so they really don’t want to see men there.

    “Maybe that whites-only parenting group could be healing from some trauma caused by POC and they don’t really want to see POC there.”

    Do you see the problem? A POC causing you trauma is not a good reason to reject POC people in general, and a man causing you trauma isn’t a good reason to reject men in general either.

    A group dedicated to victims of domestic violence could easily encompass both men and women who have suffered from it, whether the perpetrators were men or women. Cis & trans, it bears saying.

    A person who has a blanket phobia of people of a particular gender or ethnicity needs therapy to address their sexism/racism. “I don’t feel safe around men” has the exact same energy as “I don’t feel safe around black people”.