• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • This is exactly the way I feel about all these people who choose inaction and agitate for others to abstain. You’re so fucking right and I’m sick of all these comments coddling this cowardly attitude of abstinence from real action. My partner is a political organizer, works in civil rights and climate action. He’s Latino and disabled. We’re both trans and queer. I volunteer and organize. The reality is most people won’t volunteer or donate to make change. The easiest thing most people can do to make real change is to vote.

    Claiming voting doesn’t work, and asserting you’d rather not vote than vote for a middle of the road candidate versus the fascist… it’s a privileged take. It’s not allyship. It’s not about helping people or making a difference, it’s moral purity. They’d rather throw away lives than taint their soul with an impure decision. I don’t have the privilege to maintain my purity, and those that do should take a hard look at how they’re using that privilege.

    It might make you feel icky icky to vote for the guy you dislike versus the man who wants to exterminate me. Get over it or be honest that you’d rather feel pure than take action.

    Privileged lefties’ prioritization of moral purity over real action will be the death of us.

  • Thanks for the comment. You’re right about the depression and anxiety not being necessarily related to my dysphoria. I’ve had severe depressive episodes my whole life, going all the way back (based on what my parents have told me) to when I was a young child. I know I’m not ever going to escape it entirely and I’ve made some peace with that. It’s just how my brain is. Been in therapy/psychiatry for almost a decade now, sans the last year or so. I do believe that a catalyst for my worst period of depression (when I was around 15) was puberty and I think that’s related to deep seated dysphoria and resentment of the changes that physical maturity brought about in my body. My depression is… I think better now than it has been. It’s certainly different with a different prominent sex hormone. Less prolonged episodes of detachment and emptiness, more severe intrusive thoughts and rumination—bordering on obsession. From what I’ve read it seems like a lot of other trans people also have experience with their symptoms of mental illness shifting or contorting after starting HRT.

    I think making a plan and checklist to track my progress is a great idea. I think I’ve been overwhelmed with all the things I want to do and thus haven’t made steps towards any of them. Legal name and gender marker change, voice training, etc. Thanks for the advice!

  • I used to have a therapist/psychiatrist that I loved so much back in my home state, but I couldn’t keep seeing her when I moved. Which is dumb, I was only ever seeing her virtually anyway, so it’s just as easy for me to see her now as it was before. I haven’t started seeing a new one here yet because it’s hard to find a therapist I like and also money things. I have decent insurance but my deductible is really high and I can’t afford it rn.

    I really only ever look myself in the mirror when I’m shaving for work every day. It’s usually hard to see myself as myself, and Im almost always dissociating from my physical form pretty hard so that I can at least accomplish the things I have to get done like work, chores, and errands. It’s hard to feel like I’m present in my body, ya know?

    That being said, I definitely like my own appearance more now than I used to.