Consumables are great. It opens up for repeatability and the receiver is never stuck with dust collectors.
Consumables are great. It opens up for repeatability and the receiver is never stuck with dust collectors.
Sure, but the CEO of Spotify (which I have no idea why we’re bringing in here)… Is a man named Daniel Ek, so the other part of that comment doesn’t make sense either.
I might be dumb. PC vs Mac is a common way to differentiate. Laptop vs stationary is a common way to differentiate. Isn’t “PC Laptop” a pretty descriptive and non-overlapping way to unambinguiusly distinguish the item?
I was in Spain, waiting outside a tournament venue for Magic: The Gathering. Two guys were talking, presumably in Spanish. I knew no spanish, but I could tell the one guy was really excited, almost choking back a laugh while speaking quickly and loudly before he held out his hand vertically, swung it left and right like a table tennis paddle while loudly exclaiming “RAGARAGARAGARAGA”.
The other guy was listening closely with a completely unfazed expression.
Their conversation continued.
At that point, I started to wonder: what were they talking about? What kind of conversation could lead to that motion and that complimentary sound to be adequate? Why was the other guy seemingly so unamused when the first guy was so excited?
This happened probably around 10 years ago, and it bothers me to this day. I will never know for sure, of course, but I have yet to think of a single topic which could reasonably prompt that interaction.
After the war, just tell Trump that the rare earth materials have strange properties which make people within a certain radius more attracted to people of their own gender.
The laws of thermal- and accoustic physics are surely warped within Dell hardware. Otherwise, I have no explanation why it acts so much worse than other laptops with similar specs.
I can understand it. I was banned without reason from 3 of the top mastodon instances before even posting anything. Creating new accounts is a hassle, and it’s easy to lose faith in the system when bans happen without reason and none of the instances cared to respond to my appeals. In heinsight, I’m sure the ban was due to my username looking like a hash, but I still find it crazy that the appeals were ignored.
I can vouch for Signal. I got my whole family out of facebook messenger to make a new place for family chat. Even my parents in their mid 60s had no problem changing.
I am Norwegian. I used to be proud and somewhat brag about having an american mother. I gradually stopped telling people about that ever since the first orange-red term. And after this election, I’m starting to keep my background a secret.
Can someone explain the benefits that GOP are trying to achieve with this rule? Does the censoring somehow provide an advantage to their popularity?
He should just get nominated to become presisent. Every penalty, accisation and conviction will go away - just like magic.
I had a shirtless incident working at a hardware shop in my early 20s. I was given my work uniform, but I didn’t see any changing room, so I just popped into an empty office to change. It was just a shirt - a 10 second job - no problem. Ripping of my shirt, I heard shouting from the neighbouring office from my new (female) boss: “we have about 3 active cameras in that office, just thought you might want to know.”
In panic I quickly had to decide between apologizing, becoming embarrased or running away. My smart ass brain landed on shouting back “if you see anything you like, speak up!”
I was very that lucky she just found it funny.
Absolutely, that may be important. LTT were only aware of the extension screwing over the creators, not that the customers were also getting screwed.
A lot of creators were tricked into that. The problematic part was that they realized the issue and completely went silent about the issue instead of raising awareness of the scam. Alerting about that fact would have been a great tech tip.
The code I write might be considered abstract art by some, but I’m a developer, not an artist. Much like how someone who writes books get catagorized as an author even though books can be considered art.
It’s not that I disagree with the principle, but on the mentioned occastions, I will ~99% of the time listen to podcasts or audio books instead of music.
One translated from Norwegian:
“Once upon a time… But now it’s a corridor”
I’ll supply the original and an explanation:
“Det var en gang… Men nå er det en korridor”
“Det var en gang” is literally “It was a time/an instance”, and it’s the main way every fairytale starts in Norwegian. But “gang” could also mean hallway.
That’s a great point. I have a nintendo switch, but I have more or less played through the entirety of all the games I have been interested in before my child was born. I did pick up pokemon violet, but the game was very short and had some disgusting responsiveness and aestetics which discourages me from grinding the post game.
Maybe a handheld pc will be my next purchase. Thanks for the suggestion!
Topologicall, my shirts often have more than 3 holes.