I read this thread to find out what I should know but I still don’t know it.
I read this thread to find out what I should know but I still don’t know it.
I like this judge.
These moral panics are fodder for political primates in the Conservative party. When the Reagan Administration dominated the airwaves in the 1980s and started all this Christian Doomerism, the major media really sucked off the Reaganite platform.
I’d guess most of y’all are too young to remember the Satanic Panic of the 1980s. Reagan worshippers were convinced that there was a nationwide secret Satanic plot to abuse and kill children taking place in basements and secret locations all over the U.S. There were only a few major media formats (CBS, NBC, and ABC mostly) and they all reported constantly on these secret Satanists and how they were hiding secret messages in music, invading the brains of children through Dungeons & Dragons, and abusing children in secret rituals. The Satanic Panic got endless news coverage, and good Conservative Christians everywhere were constantly vigilant against all the secret Satanism in their midst. They picketed school boards, scanned their children’s media consumption for secret subliminal Satanic penises (seriously), and so on.
And here’s the kicker … NONE of it was real. Hours of news coverage, daytime talk show discussions, pages upon pages of ink in major newspapers, and NOT ONE OUNCE of it had any actual evidence behind it.
This was the beginning of the political/media landscape we’re all trapped in now. The gameplan never changed.
p.s. and this was of course all topped off by major media news coverage that referred to AIDS as ‘gay cancer’ repeatedly, all in line with the anti-gay dictates of Reagan himself repeating that the U.S. was going to turn into Sodom & Gomorrah because of all the gayness hiding in suburban closets.
That’s cool! My grandmother was similar–discovered email in her early 80s and loved it, got herself a printer to print out letters to send to people. Last I saw her before she died, she asked me to help set up her phone so she could answer emails on it.
She loved getting emails from people too. It made me remember how exciting that stuff was when I first started using it and it still felt like a great, new thing to make it easier to connect with folks and explore the world.
This occurred about 20ish years ago. Mom had never touched a computer in her life before getting the laptop.
And, this is the same woman who got a new phone and sent me a text that said ‘do you like my new phone?’
How many games and studios do you think have been ruined by uncreative people who do ‘business’ with things like non-competes and non-disclosure agreements?
I set up my mom on Microsoft Outlook many years ago, back when you had to set the server and so on.
She called me a few days later and said her email wasn’t working, so I walked her through looking at the options, making sure the right addresses and preferences were checked, etc.
After about 45 minutes, I remembered that I already set everything up correctly and it was working. Then I decided to ask, “are you typing the @ symbol, or are you typing the word at in the email address?”
I was just thinking while I drove aimlessly that the internet used to be a real way for real people to communicate real information to one another, often when they had no other way to do so.
This is a perfect example of that. We must all know the many faces of JD Vance so we can recognize him at the kids’ table in the country club and ask him about his big-boy suit or if he’s enjoying the Jell-O®
Ublock Origin in Firefox is my choice among all possible ‘sponsors.’
uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger plugins in the Firefox browser have me feeling relatively secure with most regular internet traffic.
Thanks for the clarification because that headline sure is worrisome.
I even got a post removed from Lemmy earlier today because it included a ‘call for violence’ against Trump and Leon.
But, I didn’t get banned, so that’s a plus.
On the OP’s topic–is anyone in the world really gonna feel bereft if a total cunt like this Chris Wright guy goes missing?
I’m all in favour of Canadians taking up the cause of helping their American (not-Trumplican) cousins.
(edited to honor the heroism of my Canadian cousins)
And from the paragraph you cited: “Berlin police confirmed the incident on their official X account…insisting that the officers had no choice but to use force against protesters who they claim were acting violently.”
They say shit like this even when there are hours of video demonstrating otherwise. I’m sure afterward they’ll investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing.
These sorts of people aren’t really capable of responding to anything other than displays of power; they don’t respect anything else.
It just took one CEO getting murdered for other CEOs to panic, to try to make the story about how the CEO was a ‘family man’ or whatever, for many CEOs to have their pictures removed from company websites–they don’t give a shit about ethics, or history, or anything, but they sure as hell do respond to displays of power.
I think maybe just getting a couple of them would prove to be enough.
The story is really what makes it so good–you start to feel invested in the character, in the world, and that helps with getting deeply immersed in the gameplay. It’s an incredibly well written game.
Beyond that, the screenshots show a lot–it’s a world that feels very lived-in.
Also the gameplay is a ton of fun. Open world, lots of places to explore–some of them beautiful, others treacherous, some both.
I don’t think Saleh is saying anything about all police being this way.
But the fact that any of them are like this, and that there are enough of them like this, is a genuine problem for the well-being of regular people.
This isn’t an all-or-nothing situation. We can recognize that there are a significant number of police using violence to accomplish political ends without having to make a disclaimer about not all individual police being this way, because there are clearly enough of them behaving this way that there is real cause for concern.
Wouldn’t you agree?
The fact that the majority of us are essentially forced to participate in the capitalist market means that we will always be at the mercy of greasy, compliant, ass-sucking ‘bosses.’
We don’t have any freedom with work unless we have the freedom not to work.