Ben Matthews

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2023


  • Ce serait dommage perdre les pass à dix trajets, qui sont pratiques surtout pour partager entre famille ou groupe, de façon simple et spontané. Ils sont aussi utiles pour traverser le pays entre coins opposés de wallonie et flandre, que les gens font rarement, mais importe pour la cohesion du pays. Mais peut être le sncb manque de l’information, comment ces pass sont utilisés (qui pourrait possiblement dévaloriser certains lignes de long-distance en ardennes).

    Modifiant le tarif selon heures de pointe ou creuses, me semblent un pas vers la système britannique.

    Si on veux ‘simplifier’ la gamme des reductions, la système suisse Halbtax fonctionne bien (je doute qu’aucune suisse paie le plein tarif, cela c’est pour attraper des touristes de courte-visite - mais la suisse a bcp plus de touristes que la belgique).

  • Ukraine is huge and has loads of track and trains that gauge, so do Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova. There’s even a ukrainian-gauge line running west to Katowice, could make sense to extend it, and make another to Gdansk. Otoh a transversal standard-gauge line connecting Romania to Poland via Chernivtsi and Lviv could also make sense.
    Western europe should welcome the technical expertise of Ukraine and Belarus railways, they move a lot, efficiently.
    Hey, not so long ago, there was even talk of a canal linking the Dnipro to the Wisla, recreating the old ‘viking rus’ trade-route (although have to consider also impact on wetlands… I recall used to sit next to the IPCC rep from Belarus - he was passionate about methane emissions from wetlands - but suffered from politics …)

  • Sure, she’s right, more people in Belarus voted for her than Lukas* and his pals, they shouldn’t suffer for p’s tricks, although it seems to me the majority are rather too passive (with some great exceptions, of course).
    Anyway isn’t there another factor here - are there still long freight trains with chinese containers frequently arriving in Brest? If not, how else are they getting to europe? If so, I’d guess both belarus railways and polish lorry drivers get a lot of money out of that trade, isn’t that a factor of leverage ?
    Belarus is good at trains, I hope not so far in the future we’ll see them run again from Odesa to Riga via Minsk, and with people free to move.

  • Indeed I see too much fatalistic doomerism here on Lemmy and it’s boring - waste of potential energy. We can try to explain better - if people want to understand - that climate system is complex, actions don’t give immediately tangible results, there are many sub-systems with inertia, and indeed various types of waves too, but most of this is predictable and the pathways we have to follow are well known.
    By the way about the jet-stream waves mentioned in the article, they have two sides - where I am it’s been cool recently.
    More importantly, seems likely that Chinese emissions are peaking, not because they are so virtuous but because their enormous over-construction bubble involving so much steel and concrete, which was driving global emissions growth, has burst. When I was in climate negotiations years ago, we could never get the chinese to agree to talk about peaking before 2025, yet it happened. Meanwhile renewable energy expands fast around the world.
    However we also reduced a lot of sulphate aerosols (both on land and from ships at sea), so we removed that temporary cooling, then on top of that we had El Niño, and have a peak in the solar cycle. The temperature spike then pushes more CO2 into the atmosphere from forests, soils and ocean, so we get bad news about atmospheric CO2, but such feedbacks happened before and are in the models, it’s not unexpected or out of control yet.

  • Now that’s a more useful map - trains you can really ride on now !
    (cf previous map of TENs - about european project funding).
    Indeed I have taken many of these routes.
    It’s great if you live near hubs like Praha, Wien, Stockholm or indeed Lviv.
    However there are so many gaps which existed not so long ago. For example I remember the hotel-trains across Spain from Irun to Lisbon and Algeciras (for Maroc), nightly trains Bruxelles-Luxembourg-Basel-Milano and Bruxelles-Warszawa, also Villach-Belgrade. Going back even further I even recall (London-)-Ostend-Moscow and Thessaloniki-Istanbul.
    So I hope some of these will come back again, and/or go longer distances in one night using high-speed lines (as in China).

  • Over many years I took my kids by train to see almost every country in europe (all except Moldova, Kosovo, and islands…). Mostly we used inter-rail tickets as kids up to 12 are free. Now they got older it’s more difficult, but a few weeks ago took my family from Wallonie to Catalonia - for 29€ each person, all the way from belgian border to spanish border (with some hours in Paris). Can also get good prices from DB crossing three countries (e.g. Belgium - Italy, or Poland ). It helps to know the routes (use openrailwaymap) and experiment with the options (add ‘via’, change stopover time etc.). Indeed it’s frustrating that every country system is different.