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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Peters quote from the article:

    “I think that these people need to be replaced,” Peters said regarding elected and government officials. “They need to be replaced, but by means of elections is not going to happen. So what we need to do is what the Constitution directs us to do, which is to abolish and tear down and dismantle a government that has become rogue and oppressive to our individual God-given, inherent rights. And then we need to replace it with a form of government that’s representative of the people.”

    “If we do that,” Peters continued, “none of this song and pony show dance fake circus nonsense would even be in existence because the people that are perpetuating this and have openly declared war on the American people will be held to extreme accountability, and they will be gone.”

    “It’s all fake. It’s all rigged. It’s all set up,” Peters declared. “It’s part of a Marxist coup. It’s the ushering in an authoritarian, oppressive one-world government and the only thing stopping them from completing it is 450 million guns in this country, so now we just need to talk about what to do with those guns and how to use them.”

    “Marxist coup”? For some of us words mean things and we know those meanings. For the rabid right, certain words are divorced from meaning and made into Pavlovian triggers for fear and revulsion.

    Words like socialism, Marxism, groomer, woke, and even names like AOC and Hillary.

    Edited to add…

    This is more dangerous rhetoric and it continues to escalate. I find it especially dangerous because parts of it appeal to anyone feeling disenfranchised and poorly represented.

    Would I like to replace corrupt, corporate bootlickers in congress with people who are honest and want to make things better? Absolutely but through legitimate means. I feel dirty and 🤢 having any views even slightly agreement with this shitstain because this guy is clearly a fascist piece of shit (wait… that’s redundant) and he can and should go fuck himself.

    But I genuinely fear his rhetoric may entice those who are less woke (in the good sense of the word) and who are poorly inoculated against rhetorical manipulation and ignorant of the history of fascism.

    Hopefully the Trump era left no fence sitters in the US and perhaps younger generations mostly reject this hateful bullshit. At the same time I feel we aren’t out of the woods yet as far as rising fascism goes.

  • We barely got to the point of impeaching Nixon for his bullshit and Reagan got off scott free for Iran-Contra. So it shouldn’t be too surprising that Bush didn’t get keelhauled for his bullshit invasions especially since most of the morons in Washington were totally on board with it.

    Some of us could see it coming from a mile away with Afghanistan. (Just had to look back to how it went for the USSR and like every other country that tried before us (see “Graveyard of Empires”).

    Iraq* looked an awful lot like bullshit driven by greed, oil, and “finishing what daddy started” at the time. Idk about the last one now but the first two? Definitely. But fucking Congress went along with all of it. Probably lobbied by billionaires.

    So no way was he going to pay for his crimes.

    People at the top in this country rarely do.

  • You can’t make her do anything. I don’t think blatantly telling her it is a scam will work.

    You can tell her your feelings and suspicions prefaced with your motivation (you don’t want to see her get hurt and stolen from). You could maybe find some kind of warning signs / red flags checklist for this kind of scam for her to review.

    It sucks to see but we are each responsible for our choices and beliefs. Sometimes we have to learn the hard way. I hope that isn’t the case here.

  • Trans people are regular, real people. Like my college friend. Or my wife’s HS friend. Or that one kind soul I worked with once.

    I’m so god damn sick of all the hatred and lies and bullshit and murder and sadistic laws against trans people.

    I loudly applaud any space that actively supports trans people and gives them a place free from hatred and assholes.