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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • In addition to things others have said in reply, maintaining eye contact is a direction given in speech and leadership classes. Looking at someone you are talking to shows interest, engagement, and respect. It would be weird in a different way if you were speaking to someone and just staring at their hands or staring off into space. It’s not that there are two options, but if you’re having a conversation with someone, it’s normal to be looking at them.

  • I remember being in like a GameStop or whatever the store was prior to that in my area. The tvs in the store were playing a teaser for the new Zelda game that was going to be coming out. I think this might have been like very early concept of windwaker before they went with the cartoon cell shaded style. I remember there was a sword fight between I think Link and Ganon. I remember thinking that games had peaked at that point. Of course we didn’t end up getting exactly that, but the memory remains.

  • Are you dating about your same age? Maybe it’s a maturity thing and you’re choosing people that just aren’t interested in relationships that require effort. You need to find someone that values the same things as you in a relationship and maybe you’re just missing the mark because the people in your dating pool aren’t there yet.

  • I think this is a little vague to offer much constructive advice on. Do you have an example of what is happening? Maybe I overlooked something in your post, but you talk a lot about you and what you do for a relationship, but not what is happening in the other end. What do you mean that the other person stops caring? You say that you communicate that if your partner needs something, you tell them to ask. Are you asking when your needs are not being met?