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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I like to watch twitch streams and play modded videogames (minecraft, lethal company, valheim). Every single twitch streamer has their own discord. Fine I guess, they want control over their space and it’s full of cat pics and tattoos anyway. But the mod makers do the same, patch notes on discord, feature discussion on discord, some even close their githubs and want bugs on discord. I don’t want to be part of your shitty community, I want to know which recolored slime is killing me through walls so I can disable it in the configs. And because the discord search is garbage, I still have to sift through racist memes and wildly outdated info to find what I need.

  • Dilbert often has single-punchline strips where the punchline is spread over multiple panels, followed by someone commenting on the punchline. The punchline is usually that Dilbert is the smart straight man and everyone around him is incompetent (The same thing is made fun of in the pony comic). Finally, Adams has a bad habit of drawing his characters chest-up, hiding most of the character behind the desk or the edge of the panel (so he does not have to draw hands).

    Those are the the things made fun of in the zippy strip, first the characters point out how you only see the top of them, then the “joke” is a jab at the repetitive punchlines, then the boss follows up with a nonsensical comment on the punchline. The stilted speech and Zippy standing behind the corner in the final panel are more in line with the Zippy comic strips than with Dilbert.

  • Benefit or harm to random others is an irrelevant side effect.

    This in itself is evil, because it puts the interests of others below your own. The old school characters were ‘neutral’ because they either still cared about someone in the end (even if it was their friends only), because they still drew a line somewhere when exploiting others, but mostly because they existed in the same books as comically evil kill-everyone villains and demons and it was easy say “well they are not as evil as Yeenoghu, so neutral it is”

    social climbing boot licker

    This one would not necessarily be chaotic, after all a social hierarchy is still a form of order. It would depend on whether they truly believe that they have a “place” in the hierarchy where they belong, or whether they see it just as a means to an end.