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Joined 5 days ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2025

  • You had to choose between a small set of approved groups you could belong to. It was especially bad in my small village in western Germany: you could be either a fashion victim (all with the same hair, clothing style, one year they ALL dyed their hair red), a computer nerd, a sporty person, a hip-hop or a techno fan. If you didn’t belong to any of the approved groups, you were an outsider and bullied.

    Obviously I’m writing this because my best friend and I were among the outcast. We bought our stuff at thrift shops and didn’t care much for fashion, neither what was ‘in style’ nor the geek/techno/hip-hop fashion. One year I cut my hair really short and got so much shit for it, because apparently you could only do that if you 100% subscribed to a matching Goth aesthetic. (Still have short hair, so take that stupid mean girls!)

    It was probably partially a small-town-thing, but if you look at the media from the 90s you’ll rarely see characters that don’t neatly fit a certain type.

  • I live close to the border so we go to the Netherlands about every other month. I have tried learning some common dutch tourist phrases like ordering food or asking for the toilets. Unfortunately, so far most shops or waiters have just insisted on using English or German and I’ve been told numerous times something along the lines of “Why would you try to learn Dutch? We can all speak English.”

    The front desk lady at one of the hotels we stayed at in Noord-Holland even told me “Oh, don’t learn Dutch, that’s such a waste of time.” I don’t know, I love learning at least a few sentences of the local language when I go somewhere on vacation. But I’ve never met so much resistance to it as in the Netherlands.

  • I get what you mean, but on the other hand I want to be able to out myself into the story and relate to the characters. If the characters are behaving in a dumb way or the problems they face are too unrealistic, that takes away from the enjoyment. Let me put it like that: I can suspend my disbelieve to accept that an allien artifact can create a wormhole to another planet or that intelligent parasitic life forms exist. I find it hard to believe the US military would send poeple to alien planets without cautioning them about eating the local food. Because to me it is inconsistent with the premise: A military operation would at least address this problem in some form. As I said, it’s just a minor annoyance to me, not a big plot hole or anything. But I find it hard to enjoy media where part of the storytelling is based on the premise “let’s just assume this advanced human/alien civilisation hasn’t thought about an easy solution that we have been using for decades”.

  • I’ve been listening to the audiobook of Dirk Van den Boem “Sternkreuzer Proxima” (“Starcruiser Proxima”, couldn’t find the actual English titel on a quick search). He has some very good descriptions of the gruelingly long times any maneuver in space takes. Also being cramped in a small space ship with no fresh air, tasteless food rations and not knowing what is going to happen, while your ship and the enemy ship spend the next 50 hours getting in position for their attack.

  • Ich arbeite im ÖD und wir haben das Projekt eines Kundenportals zum digitalen Abruf von Bescheiden (Müllabfuhr und sowas) eingestampft, weil hinten und vorne das Personal für die Umsetzung fehlt. Sowohl Entwickler fehlen als auch die Kapazitäten bei den Ämtern, um das Projekt fachlich zu begleiten. Bevor man so ein Mammutprojekt wie einen Daten-Vault auch nur anfängt, müsste man massiv das Personal erhöhen. Aber das kriegst du den Wählern und Politikern nicht erklärt, dass wir erstmal deutlich mehr Beamte und ÖD-Angestellte bräuchten, bevor wir im großen Stil Digitalisierungsprojekte realisieren können.

  • In theory it sounds good, in practice I think it might not work so well. The problem with moderation was already mentioned. How do you stop people from posting shit in other languages, especially smaller ones that most moderators won’t know? Sure, they can use translation tools, but those aren’t perfect. I see the danger of either moderating too much (mistranslated posts) or too little.

    On another note, using a common language also has a unifying aspect. Even if I can’t buy a local French product in a store in Germany, it’s still cool to read about it. Maybe it’ll even spark a discussion about similar products in other EU countries. Either way, sharing progress like “We have a locally produced alternative for this chocolate bar now in Finland” is uplifting news for others, too.

    Anyway, I get where you’re coming from but I see more advantages sticking to English as a common language.