• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • About 10 years of marriage and your situation reads just like one of mine that started a few months back. I’ve even been through the same frantic spiral you described with the condoms.

    I haven’t figured it out fully yet, but here are the things I’ve found have helped:

    1. Checked out the book “Insecure in Love” by Leslie Becker-Phelps. My feelings of jealousy almost definitely stem from my insecure attachment and I needed to recognize when that fear was being activated so I could practice responding better.

    2. Therapy with EMDR - turns out my family of origin was kinda effed up and that was bleeding over into my beliefs about relationships. It can be fixed with therapy (but you may need to shop around for a therapist that fits you — it takes time and that’d okay because you learn something useful from every therapist you try). This gave me the tools to fight when those anxiety attacks came around.

    3. Getting my own friend group - I was like you and really didn’t NEED or WANT other friends besides my SO. That said, I took the past 6 months or so to try and branch out and I can’t tell you how great it is to have someone to call when those negative feelings hit who can talk you off the ledge (or, to my surprise, let me know that they have also had these feelings, but that it doesn’t mean anything). Being there to support someone else as they go through life is also incredibly rewarding.

    4. Prayer. I’m a person of faith, and I believe prayer has helped calm me down and surrender as well as look at the situation through fresh eyes.

    5. Journaling - getting into the habit of writing down your thoughts in a secure location was huge for me getting to work out those “intuitions” that were causing me some anxiety. I always thought I was an intuitive person, so when I had an intuition that led me wrong, I needed to process it.

    I hope some of this helps because I know the anxiety sucks. I don’t think it will get better on its own, so if you want to stay in this relationship (and for the sake of your future relationships), decide to do the work and make moves to do it. It’s not your fault, but sometimes life shits on us and we have to go clean up the shit so it doesn’t stink so much.

  • The “Not enough mod tools” complaint is valid and I hope that improves as the platform moves forward.

    I DO NOT get the disdain for the Lemmy userbase. I’ve been here for the past 4-5 months and can say I’ve had so many more meaningful and fulfilling conversations here on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit in the 10 years I was there.

    I think it’s the same situation as between a small town and a big city. Reddit is huge and with a large number of people; you’re going to statistically get a larger number of assholes. Not to mention there are tens of thousands of people commenting on anything that hits r/all, so there’s no chance someone else is going to read your 1 comment that is drowning in a sea of other comments.

    Lemmy feels more like a small town. Things move a little slower here, but there’s less competition to have your voice heard, and I end up seeing some of the same users time and time again across the Fediverse. I think that smaller feel means more people have a chance to see your content without it getting drowned out by the masses, which means more opportunity to make connections.

    Some people suck, but Lemmy has been fucking awesome for me so far and I love this place because of that.