May the Lord Flying Spaghetti Monster keep you and protect you, good sir.
May the Lord Flying Spaghetti Monster keep you and protect you, good sir.
Funny thing was they introduced the “filter out subreddits you don’t like” feature just before all that… and I was against that feature. Echo chambers were already a thing, why introduce a feature that’d only make it worse? Then /r/the_dick came along and they were the only subreddit I tossed into that feature because you know what, a broken clock really is right twice a day.
Here’s the thing… there’s more of us than there are of them. That’s why they’re so desperate to keep our collective attention elsewhere and to cause division or people might recognize just how strong they could be collectively.
Even collectively we might not have billions of dollars, but it doesn’t take billions to crater a company or an industry. Just takes not paying into the system; it’ll collapse on its own.
I get you can’t boycott everything because you need food and water to survive, but people aren’t helpless.
“Gas is too high! Why doesn’t the President just pull the lever to make them not high?!”
Biden releases strategic reserves to lower prices.
“Ye-- Ye-- Well, the price of eggs is too fucking high. Pull that lever! I dare you!”
Hm, we don’t have a strategic egg supply to make simple people happy. This will be a challenge…
Trump claims he’ll lower it by getting elected. How? Who the fuck knows and no one cares.
“Why aren’t the prices lower yet?!”
Well, gosh, it couldn’t have to do with a complex system where there aren’t magic levers one just pulls to make things happen… Guess it’s Trump’s fault. What’s good for the goose (Biden) is good for the gander (Trump), after all.
“The prices need to be this high!” /insert picture of sieg heil/
Petah says, “Unlike a carnival ride, ‘this high’ is literally over one’s head. As in, we’re in over our heads.”
Fuck, Alphabet did it during COVID. YouTubers had to talk around the pandemic or the Great Algorithm of Everything might demonetize or de-prioritize their videos. Yes, let’s not talk about the most pressing topic affecting the entire planet because it makes a few marketing geniuses sads… brilliant.
I loved how Blade Trinity at least recognized the absurdity (for TV channels that required censorship)…
The United States has a history of organizing campaigns to crush terrorist organizations. A month ago, the United States designated six cartels as terrorist organizations, which prompted Mexico to issue a warning about the United States attempting any sort of invasion or incursion. This is also occuring in tandem with the current President of the United States going on about taking Greenland and Panama, and how Canada should be part of the United States, which was also interpreted as a suggestion of a hostile takeover.
And then there are reports of them having been mulling options since November, talk of it by political candidates in 2023, talk by sitting members of Congress and even legislation introduced in support of it within Congress.
Not so curiously, these acts have been exclusively done by Republicans, also known as the Right-Wing.
Of course, if you could show that Democrats were as keen on the idea of invading Mexico, then calling it right-wring would be in error.
Well, you’d have to ask, was there a reason they took Alaska? They might have a good reason. Maybe they think there was something wrong with how we bought it from them. They might feel we took advantage of them. I mean, wouldn’t you sympathize with someone that felt taken advantage of? They’ll have a good reason. Russia wouldn’t do anything on a whim. Not just to enrich themselves or establish a beachhead for the rest of the continental Americas; surely not.
Of course… even if it were a beachhead… Russia might have a good reason, and we like Russia, they’re good friends. Maybe we should join together in some kind of union…
PS: If someone was nodding their head along with the above, just know you’re on the wrong side of… well, everything.
In their defense, if there were ever someone that Christians needed to pray for (so that they change their ways) it’d be Donald “I’m a very stable genius” Trump. Somehow I doubt that was foremost on their minds. Probably more “may You bless us and give us great blessings as we spread Your word and see Your will be done [which happens to be whatever the hell we say it is, even if it directly contradicts the Bible].”
It’s called “laying on hands” among Christians. As in, “let us lay on hands and pray for them.” In theory it should be a way of showing support that someone is not alone. Usually, I’d attribute it more to religious people doing a silent ‘look at me, I have a direct line to God for this person!’ [Like you said, they’re so in the moment they pull out their phone; yeah, that screams holy moment.] Which is funny because Protestants think everyone has a personal relationship with God, so what’s the extra prayer for? In case God wasn’t listening to the requestor, but they might listen to Ultra Religious person? Doesn’t sound very personal to me.
that country’s political system as it is cannot be trusted anymore. It brought that destructive madman to power not only once, but twice. There are zero safeguards against this happening again and again and again.
Worse, there’ll be insufficient interest to change the system to put those safeguards in place even if Democrats regain power, to say nothing of the Constitutional Amendments likely necessary to effectively do so and the lack of State legislatures supporting such even if Congress manages 51% of a vote for things other than Constitutional Amendments. That might be enough for an impeachment, but just barely 51% isn’t very reassuring for the rest of the world.
So, starting today, users who, within a certain timeframe, upvote several pieces of content banned for violating our policies will begin to receive a warning.
I saw users warning other users to be careful (how they upvote) or they might get banned. I don’t know what else screams “censorship” and “hostile environment” quite like encouraging your own users to caution those around them to shut up.
Refreshing to see a comment like this. I was dumbfounded when I opened the Reddit thread this morning and found NONE of this. The Reddit of Old is quite dead. Long live the Reddit of Whatever the Fuck this is; or, better yet, platforms like Lemmy.
2020: “I can’t believe they fell for that. Oh, well, they chose better next time. Let’s give them a chance.”
2024: “…Yeah, they’re just fucking dumb. Countless countries would have loved a chance to get rid of a shitstain like that without needing a violent revolt and the United States just… invited him back into office. Just… so fucking dumb.”