Person interested in programming, languages, culture, and human flourishing.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I switched from Zsh to Nushell almost two years ago and I have never looked back. If you need POSIX compliance, Nushell is a no go. But it sounds like your real problem was just that Zsh was familiar whereas fish was not. Nushell strikes the perfect balance of offering the commands you’re used to but letting everything just make intuitive sense. Plus, its help command is so far above and beyond other shells. I rarely need to open the Nushell docs (even though they’re really good), and I never have to go the community (even though it’s awesome), because I can figure pretty much everything out just from interacting help within the terminal.

  • More specifically, he argued (and the recent and upcoming releases of most major frameworks agree) that rendering most content on the server with islands of client-side interactivity is the future.

    That’s not necessarily a huge revelation, but the big difference from what people have been doing with PHP for decades is the level of integration and simplicity in mixing server-side and client-side code seamlessly so that a dev can choose the appropriate thing in each context and not have to go through a lot of effort when requirements change or scaling becomes an issue. I would say that this represents a new level of maturity in the “modern” web frameworks where devs can choose the right technology for every problem to serve their users best.

  • The major car manufacturers have literally been collaborating for the better part of a century, along with oil companies, to keep Americans dependent on cars. It’s a well-documented fact. Even long before Citizebs United made corporate bribery legal, they’ve been using the state’s power to quell protests, destroy non-car infrastructure, and outlaw use of our streets for anything except cars.

  • There are several things I disagree with in this article, although I see where the author is coming from. I will never be onboard with “I’ll take my segfaults and buffer overflows.”, and I fundamentally disagree about concurrency. I also think that cargo is fantastic, and a lack of standard build tools is one thing that holds rust’s predecessors back.

    However, a majority of the authors points can be boiled down to “C is more mature”, which doesn’t tell us much about the long-term viability and value of these languages. For example, in the author’s metric of stability and complexity, they use C99 as the baseline, but C99 is the state of a language that had already had almost 3 decades of development, whereas Rust has been stable for less than a decade. Talking about superior portability, stability, and even spec, implementations, and ABI is in some real sense just saying “C is older”.

    That’s not to say those things aren’t valuable, but rather they aren’t immutable characteristics of either language. And given that safety is playing an ever more important role in software, especially systems software, I think Rust will catch up in all the ways that are meaningful for real projects more quickly than most of us realize. I certainly don’t think it’s going anywhere anytime soon.

  • I’ve been daily driving for right around a year now. There have been less breaks and difficulties than I expected from pre-1.0 software and it has made my shell experience so delightful!

    I find that when I want to do something simple quickly, nushell enables me to do it with no context switching, little to no friction, and no googling. I can just open/http get my data, pipe it through a really straight forward pipeline that practically writes itself with how clear the commands are, and save it in whatever format is convenient to me. I don’t have to monkey around with Python and packages and virtual environments, and I don’t have to spend 75% of my time googling and debugging insane bashisms. Nushell just works, and the help is so convenient I almost never have to go to the docs.

    My absolute favorite feature is that it’s truly cross-platform. I don’t have to install a compatibility layer like minGW on Windows, I can just make it my default shell and it works great. Then I can use it the exact same way in WSL, macOS, and Linux.

    The reasons to not be interested in nushell imo are:

    1. You’re already comfortable to the point of mastery with bash/zsh/fish, so the ease of use and quality of life improvements from nushell won’t be as valuable to you compared to the cost of switching.
    2. You spend more time in the shell on random servers you don’t want to customize than you do in your own shell. Obviously we are (infinitely?) far away from nushell becoming a default on any platform, so if you aren’t gonna be able to install in the places you would want it most, you’ll just end up infuriated that nothing else is as good as it.