Take your mask off and see what happens, incel. It’s always the same fucking formula, go and whine about your own tiny little insecurities every single time anything about women’s experience is highlighted.
You’d find something between your ribs irl real quick if you took off your mask around the people in your life and they found out how incapable you are of even reading about half the population of the Earth’s perspective without self inserting your pathetic insecurities.
I’ve never met any windows evangelists to be honest. Lots of Apple evangelists though who will spend forever talking about windows. Every developer I’ve met who uses Windows always had a tongue in cheek sort of “well it kind of sucks in some ways but it’s what I’m used to, one day maybe I’ll get off my ass and change OS”.
Reminds me of the “I use Arch Linux btw” meme which doesn’t really happen as much anymore other than as a joke. Also, I use Arch Linux btw