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Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • For sure, valid to fear the enshittification of steam. But they aren’t killing proton. Maybe ignoring proton at worst. But Steam has profit motivations for not being reliant on Windows, which has actively been trying to supplant them with the Windows Store for years.

    As another separate, profit-motivated company, with a gaming division and a lot to gain from eating Steam’s lunch, Microsoft is not Steam’s friend. Proton is a critical bargaining tool for them, and not having to include windows licenses for devices like the Steam Deck helps their costs too.

  • Yeah, my first thought as well was that “pulling up” would be pulling the steering wheel back, which wouldn’t do anything. Certainly wouldn’t swerve the car all the way off the road, you wouldn’t want to jerk a plane left or right in that scenario either.

    So… definitely made up. But still an amusing greentext.

  • Fiction is fiction. This is the same kind of logic that adults used when I was a kid because Harry Potter promoted witchcraft, or when the country had a moral panic because Call of Duty had their children killing people. Nothing in the game literally advocates for or glorifies IRL slavery, that would be absurd.

    If you can’t parse fiction from reality, then you aren’t fit for just about anything. Movies, music, video games, books, etc. Every medium frequently depicts things you shouldn’t emulate. Even the literal Bible has depictions of slavery, rape, incest, and murder.

  • I don’t necessarily disagree that we may figure out AGI, and even that LLM research may help us get there, but frankly, I don’t think an LLM will actually be any part of an AGI system.

    Because fundamentally it doesn’t understand the words it’s writing. The more I play with and learn about it, the more it feels like a glorified autocomplete/autocorrect. I suspect issues like hallucination and “Waluigis” or “jailbreaks” are fundamental issues for a language model trying to complete a story, compared to an actual intelligence with a purpose.

  • Honestly, would still be nice to have, for how much Xbox controllers are the de facto controller on PC as well.

    Lots of games there between steam input, emulators, etc, where it just feels odd to not have that gyro in what’s otherwise a very premium controller (I’m using the Elite controller). It’s my favourite controller hands down, and yet I consider using my Switch Pro Controller just for gyro in some titles.

    And yeah, better to lay that groundwork now for the next generation than miss out on it entirely.

  • A lot of assuming that this project was dead serious in here… he’s a college student, presumably working on a senior project or something. Hooking up a glasses display, to his phone with a mic and the ChatGPT API isn’t a massive endeavour, either, and this is funny as all hell if you assume he’s mocking the industry and being tongue-in-cheek. RizzGPT? Charisma As A Service?

    Point being, don’t despair for this guy, he’s hilarious!

  • Surprisingly, a lot of the creepy media is fairly accurate, though extreme. Demons aren’t prominent, we know they are angels who rebelled with Lucifer, and were cast out, so that would be their appearance, but in reference to possession, we basically have those that Jesus encountered and a few his apostles drove out in his name later on.

    And what we see are people behaving almost like animals, screaming, shouting, with an inhuman strength to break chains or whatever locals have tried to contain them with, and inflicting a lot of self harm. There’s a woman who would throw herself into fires, a man who had 100 demons in him (where “I am legion” comes from") who would throw himself onto rocks and off cliffs and cut himself, etc.

    The more manufactured elements are the head twisting, anything to do with pentagrams, and honestly a lot of the hostility to others. People usually steered clear, but demon possessed individuals generally did more self harm than harming others, with cases where Jesus would meet them within cities, and they weren’t surrounded by dead people or a panicking mob or anything. They also don’t “haunt” or hunt people like they do in movies, but are usually extremely obvious.

    Anyway, that’s my experience purely from biblical account, off the top of my head, I’m sure others can add more detail or examples.