I’ve been called “a giant faggot” but I’m medium at most. ♥️

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The link you offered does not seem authoritative.
    The example it proffered of:

    “Sometimes I don’t always feel like jogging” doesn’t make any sense.

    Makes perfect sense.

    Are you going to keep litigating “Sometimes inherently means sometimes not” or are you going to provide an example of a non-pejorative use of referring to a human being as though they themself were illegal?

  • The definition does not indicate it can be not derogatory—which makes sense because it’s derogatory.

    You despite claiming sans evidence that it is possible to refer to a human being with a pejorative adjective and it be anything other than derogatory, won’t even back up your claim with a single non-derogatory example of its use.

    I get why you won’t—'cause you can’t—but if you were right you’d think You could give an example rather than litigating the implied corollaries to “sometimes”.

  • Do you know what sometimes means?

    If I said, “The sun sometimes rises in the east.” that is a true statement, but not evidence that it ever does otherwise and if I wanted to claim “…and sometimes it rises in the west.” I would still need to provide evidence other than stressing the “sometimes” in my first statement.

    How can calling a person (and not actions) “illegal” be anything but derogatory?
    Explain your west-rising sun, please.