Maybe I was being too dense, but I remember mostly having no clue of what was going on in this one. I followed the first movie just fine. (Havent read any of the manga or seen any of the TV show) Maybe on a rewatch it’ll make more sense.
I’ve had some bad experienced with Ubiquitis edge routers and their Unifi software, so I’d rather avoid them for a bit. I’ll have to look into mikrotik!
Though so, thanks.
I’m comfortable with a cli, but in a homelab environment quick testing might prove easier using a GUI, so I’ll probably go with the pfsense route then
It’s used as an informal way to tell someone that you wish them “luck”/“succes” during work. The English equivalent would be: “Have fun/good luck at work”. It’s something like that, I’m finding it quite difficult to literally translate it because it’s more of a cultural meaning than any official definition.
Can’t believe I didn’t find those, guess I should have searched for platinum. Guess I’m off installing xfce.