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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023

  • Au contraire, I think more rich people should take risks like this. It shows how macho and ahead of the curve and disruptive they are. All those other rich people that aren’t willing to get into an experimental vehicle with risk of catastrophic failure and even death are just crybaby namby pamby cucks who aren’t living their best lives!

    Just buy ride it! If you were on your deathbead, and you looked back, wouldn’t you regret not having tried it while you still could’ve?


  • Republicans don’t want small government, they want a fascist police state and a corrupt military industrial complex to oppress people around the world to steal their shit while funding profitable wars for their contractors.

    I think the last 2 people who wanted small government and balanced budgets were like John McCain (dead) and John Kasich (retired, but endorsed Joe Biden in 2020) and they’re no longer relevant.

    Honestly, as a party, they need to go. I want an opposition party to the Democrats, but they’re not it. Hell, America really needs ranked choice voting and more open primaries, and probably 4 major political parties.

  • I was like that when I was young. Now all my plans involve me forcing myself to do 1 or 2 productive things a day besides the stuff I have to do, and then just calling it a day and pushing aside the rest of the stuff I probably should do till tomorrow. Or more realistically, the next weekend or holiday.

    I don’t lie to myself anymore, I just admit that if it’s not 100% vital, it won’t get done quick, if at all.

  • TLDR: He doesn’t forgive anyone who sins, he forgives those who repent. Repent not meaning “feeling sorry” as many seem to explain, but actually meaning “to turn away” which means changing fundamentally as a human being. From a bad person to a good person.

    Someone who doesn’t change and act good most of the time isn’t repentant, so isn’t forgiven. So basically, you prove it with your actions and how you live your life, not with just words only. By this measurement, Republican “Christians” aren’t repentant and so aren’t forgiven.

    Not a Christian anymore, but I used to be for a very long time. Sidebar: “You will know a tree by it’s fruit” AKA you’ll know what kind of person someone is by what they do. Anyone who’s even skimmed the bible (especially the new testament) would easily understand that most conservative “christians” aren’t Christian at all, but rather like the Pharisees (phony religious types) that Jesus constantly argued with and condemned.

    Other note: Sikhs actually live the way Christian claim to. I could easily make a “hard to swallow pill” meme which said: “Sikhs are better Christians than actual Christians are.”