Yes beautiful!
Rocket fuelled up now , so everything going ahead smoothly…
If it reenables European sovereign and independent access to space it’s a success. Fingers crossed that it’s also as reliably as A5. Commercially I agree.
So launch window start has been shifted by one hour according to my info: 21:00 - 00:00 Amsterdam/Berlin CEST.
Wohoo a proper launch thread. Thank you!
Let’s hope they manage to launch at the beginning of the window.
So for Amsterdam/Berlin timezone that’s starting at 20:00 tonight.
Yes, not really the complete picture of what happened.
Would have there been actual damage to the system or even destruction if the software did not shut down? Or was the temperature threshold set too conservative? Did the thermal simulations not match the observed temperatures and if so why?
What’s the solution to this problem now for the next flight?