Butterbee (She/Her)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 27th, 2023


  • So it seems like there will be 3 hydrogen producing plants built which should use electrolysis to make the hydrogen, which makes sense in BC since we have so much hydro-electric power. They also mention one plant in North Vancouver which would be a byproduct hydrogen plant which means they are processing petro-chemicals and are siphoning off the hydrogen byproduct. That’s not great.

    And if we wanted to electrify our transport fleet in british columbia why not string up catenaries and order some trucks like the ones Scania made for the German test of electric highways? This makes way more sense to me to power a grid that the trucks can use directly rather than using a lot of electricity to produce a mediocre amount of hydrogen to convert back into electricity?

    In Europe they have these catenary systems figured out. They’ve been powering high speed rail with them for years. They could certainly handle a few rigs in Canada.

  • I’m NO LAWYER but it seems to apply to US residents only? EU has their own provisions written down where discord begrudgingly follows the laws there. But for non-eu non-us people this doesn’t seem to apply to us. “‍IF YOU’RE A U.S. RESIDENT, YOU ALSO AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING MANDATORY ARBITRATION PROVISIONS. PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY – IT MAY SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING YOUR RIGHT TO FILE A LAWSUIT IN COURT:”

    For folks who will continue using discord, and that’s probably most folks, it would be a good time to change your account email to an alias if you haven’t already. They have clearly stated they are about to get sketch AF.

  • Picked up Immortals of Aveum on sale. My friend recommended it and the combat is fun! But I dislike almost everything else. I intensely dislike the main character and that’s souring me to the rest of it. There’s a “it’s the end of the world” type war going on and while that can be an interesting setting I just can’t bring myself to want the protagonist to succeed. Early on in the game you have to go through some kind of trial to be chosen for some elite status that he doesn’t deserve. So you go through a fairly basic obstacle course with almost no fights to do and when you’re done he’s apparently the ONLY one amazing enough to actually finish it out of the group that were making attempts! OH MY GOD HE’S SO AMAZING! I actually alt-f4’d the game right then because I was truly hoping to complete it and be chastised for how long it took, and be told no I don’t have what it takes and hey kid, you’re pretty fucking arrogant and hard to get along with so we are busting you down to the worst rank we can. That’s is what I wanted for this character. And if that had happened and the story revolved around him learning to get along with people and ACTUALLY have to try and prove his worth I would have been so on board. But no, he gets rewarded for being insufferable. I wouldn’t wish for the villain to win in this world. But I certainly wouldn’t mind this protagonist losing.

    But combat is fun when you get to do it. Cutscenes are unskippable and that’s not cool. Dialog is inconsequential so you can just bypass it when that comes up, or just pick the “let’s get on with it” option.

    I would give this game a 4/10 right now. It would be an easy 6 or 7 if I could skip all story, dialog, and tedious platforming. It could also earn higher scores by having characters and a story worth NOT skipping, but let’s be reasonable. Just let me skip it pls.

    Edit: I literally forgot that this game has a talent tree and crafting. But the crafting was going to cost me half of all the currency I’d collected up to the point I’d found the crafting machine to gain 1% damage or 1% more armour and I just scoffed because like no I am not going to grind that out. The game doesn’t feel challenging enough to need any extra damage or defence tbh even on the hardest difficulty.

    The talent tree may be bugged for me? But the talents either aren’t working, or they work at numbers much less than advertised. Like using a type of ability to kill a mob is supposed to heal me for 10% of my max health. That’s a big enough number you should easily see it happen on the health bar. That talent is NOT working for my save. I chose another that increases reload time by 10% but I honestly can’t tell the difference before and after. I’d have to record it and count frames to actually tell if the talent works or not. So I stopped bothering with the talent tree because it felt largely, if not entirely, cosmetic. Maybe it’s just bugged for me though. I’ll get through the game without it if the game is worth getting through though. Little disappointed that there won’t be anything I can do to guide the character’s progress but c’est la vie.

  • It’s more to vent than anything! Though I have read the responses so far and I do want to understand how it works for others. Realistically, my questions and uncertainties are something that would take many conversations with a therapist for me to understand how to navigate so I don’t expect to learn much aside from curiosity here. I think I would like to find a partner that I’m compatible with perhaps… but I am not ready and may never be. The dynamics TERRIFY me. Absolutely TERRIFY me.

  • “Is there something you don’t understand about dating and want to share your frustration?”

    Literally all of it. I do not date full stop. I haven’t gone on a date in over a decade, and before that experience it had been another decade. It’s almost certainly never going to happen again. I don’t understand anything at all about dating. How do you meet people? How do you enjoy time with them? What is even going on?