Alright, so which Geneva Convention just got silently executive ordered to be ignored in cases of use by the US or any of its allies. Especially Israel.
Alright, so which Geneva Convention just got silently executive ordered to be ignored in cases of use by the US or any of its allies. Especially Israel.
If you’re worried about male pattern hair lose, but don’t care about having a libido: Prescription Finnesteride. It a testosterone blocker specifically for the one that causes male pattern baldness. I was hitting stage two, and a long with the HRT I’m taking, I am seeing a lot of clawback on spots I thought would be bald forever.
I only pay like $15 for three months through GoodRX.
This is Real Woman™ erasure.
I just wonder what Lara does and how can I copy her, because either this is like a “I fixed it -Sony, Hire fans!” Edit or they have up’d her size from the modest Bs she had in the Reboot, to like these DDs.
Or am I just crazy and noticing this stuff now that I’ve been on HRT almost a year?
G*mers are complaining that her chest is too small, I bet.
In my case it was trolling a troll by basically copying what he said but aiming it at him.
I got banned the original troll I was copying did not.
In the words of the Poet known at the time as Johnny Hobo:
Class traitor? What fucking ever. I’m just another middle class kid, too. But if things ain’t gonna change, I’m good at self-loathing. So I’ll Class Hate myself with you.
I keep trying to tell people that the model we have for housing essentially becomes a cross generational Ponzi Scheme.
The first houses were all built low-cost high quality. However, because every person started treating their home as an investment, that means every person believes they deserved money for their home whether they improved it or wrecked it.
I was arguing with a family member who pulled the “Wouldn’t YOU want to make money off selling your home?” (which I don’t have, I rent an apartment) My only answer was "It would be nice, but if not making a profit on my home meant that 10 more people had an affordable home they were living in, I would happily give that profit up. Of course that was followed by “Well aren’t you a saint.”
Again, if my beliefs make me both a communist and a saint, then I’m doing good, I guess.
So Corporations are people and Labor doesn’t deserve to be represented in the government.
How can Anybody still call America a functioning State?
Well, of course they recognize those convention… Officially. Now they’re just making unofficial policy into official policy.