• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2023


  • I think I read somewhere that the average adult has less than 5 good friends. Beyond that is rare to non-existent in terms of actual an “friend”.

    That you had 5 show up is pretty good in one regard. I understand the disappointment though, wife and I planned a big 40th bday bash, invited anyone and everyone we knew, well north of 50 friends and acquaintances. End of day we assumed we’d get to 20.

    We barely scratched 10, ended up canceling everything just due to effort and cost.

    Anyway, if you’re in the Oregon area and do something like this again, I know I’m not a friend, but I’ll show up.

  • When I used to work in office:

    • Wake up at 7am, get ready to go and take a 1 hour commute in, usually there by 9:00
    • Try to find parking, walk to office, morning break room coffee and chatter, usually settle in around 9:30
    • Get interrupted multiple times by desk drive bys
    • Take 2 hour lunch around noon with multiple coworkers because why not
    • Get interrupted multiple times by desk drive bys
    • Leave at 4 to try and avoid some traffic

    Now that I work from home:

    • Wake up and hop online to work, usually settle in by 7:30am
    • No desk drive by interruptions
    • Eat at my desk during meetings or while simultaneously working
    • Sometimes start laundry or something during the day, but who cares?
    • Usually work later than 5