Tried to use OSMAnd last week to navigate around on vacation. For some reason it seems to be incapable of searching for house numbers, which is an instant dealbreaker. I’m very confused as to how or why this is a thing on such a mature product.
I was able to share a location from GMaps WV over to it to get navigation working, and from there the navigation was awesome!
Currently also testing Magic Earth and Organic Maps but I’m very interested to hear from those with more experience.
Organic Maps and Magic Earth are awesome. The best I’ve had so far. Magic Earth is more optimized for driving, though if that is what you’re looking for.
I love Organic Maps, it is clean, simple, and works for 95% of my needs. The rest of the times I resort to OsmAnd, which is heavier and more complicated but has many more options.
The house number search can be tricky with OpenStreetMap based apps, unfortunatey, but still better than using Google, in my opinion.
I used Magic Earth in the past, but it has some wrong information in my city (an important road is marked as closed and it calculates long detours) which is not coming from OpenStreetMap, so I personally don’t trust it.
I use Organic Maps. OsmAnd is also pretty good.
This dev in the link gathers address data and inserts it into map obf files. You download each one you need then you put the obf file in osmands android data directory where your map files usually go. There’s also an app called addresstogps that allows you to lookup an address and it converts it into gps coordinates and allows you to open it in any map app. However addresstogps uses Google as a back end. Ive found that dev in the links address lookup to be so robust, there’s almost never a time when I need to use a different address lookup.
I don’t understand what you’re saying