Every single person sent to El Salvador were innocent. Not a single one of them had their due process! This is all bullshit. ICE must be destroyed
Yep. Innocent until proven guilty, and not a single one of them was so much as indicted, much less charged or convicted. Blatant disregard for the constitution as well as human rights, everyone all the way up the chain of command needs to be prosecuted for this.
You’re asking Hitler to get rid of the Gestapo.
Thats the thing. Rounding up people from the street will not catch any criminals (legally speaking), by definition: if they committed a crime, and a judge deemed them guilty, they would be in jail or they would be fugitives. In either case, they are not unknowns, and authorities must’ve already knew about them. Getting people randomly off the street, you cannot, legally speaking, be catching criminals.
What Nazi Germany classed as “untermenschen:”
- People of Jewish descent
- People of Slavic descent
- People of African descent
- People of Romani descent
- Homosexuals
- The mentally disabled
- The physically disabled
- Political dissidents
- POWs
Qualifying people were dehumanized, arrested and initially deported, but eventually taken to camps and either systematically exterminated or put into slavery.
It’s not enough to say that there are parallels, America is playing exactly by the Nazi guide book.
Also worth noting they basically learned all that from Andrew Jackson the first time around
This is, unfortunately, incredibly common in law enforcement circles. If you’re paranoid, EVERYTHING is gang related somehow.
Not only that, but they circulate bad information among themselves. Booklets about how every sports team has it’s own gang affiliation, etc.
From another article, one of the tattoos in question:
The US has a greater obsession with tattoos than Japan by this point. If you go to a place in Japan and show off a tattoo, the owner might ask you to leave. The US they’ll gulag your ass.
Only of you’re brown, white people with tattoos are perfectly acceptable, just look at all the neonazis
Just look at our current secretary of defense.
Now that’s a fucking gang tattoo if I’ve ever seen one. Not like the literal Awareness Ribbon. 🎗️
That’s only one view, he just posted photos on X with even more white supremacist tattoos.
I didn’t know he was Georgian
And the tramp stamps on their bleach blonde bimbos.
Seems like most cops have tattoos now.
Those are the gang tattoos we need to worry about.
It’s projection; those are often literal gang tattoos.
Not only that, but they circulate bad information among themselves. Booklets about how every sports team has it’s own gang affiliation, etc.
We all know it’s the bowling teams that are the gangbangers. I mean look at them. total miscreants!
Fuck you Jesus!
Nobody fucks with the Jesus!
Also, I’m going to add here, the pickleball maffia.
I know we’re largely focused on stopping Trump, and we need to.
But how do we save these guys?
Get NATO Countries (excluding the US, obviously) to send the military to liberate El Salvador.
Edit: Reworded for clarification
That is not how NATO works or what it is
Not saying we shouldn’t try to free political undesirable prisoners, just saying that that is not what NATO is for, won’t happen
Obviously, this is not about the article 4/5 invocations. I’m talking about in a joint operation, unrelated to the NATO treaty, that are done by European Countries.
Are there Non-Nato countries with a military capable and willing to do that?
For clarification, I said NATO Countries excluding the US
Ok that makes way more sense
Yes. But it would be a violation of international law, so they should not be willing.
If the matter somehow transforms to obtaining the assistance of El Salvador in this case, a credible proposal of EU economic sanctions would hasten a compromise.
To be honest, I’m not fully understanding why El Salvador accepted those people from the US.
I believe they were paid for it.
Most countries would be able to take El Salvador on in a head-on-head fight.
Now, which ones can do so, if the US is backing the dictatorship there? That’s a big question.
Monroe doctrine saber rattling against Europe intensifies
The courts might be able to stop future renditions, but the president or Congress have the power to end this or return them. Congress could cut off the funding (bribes) to El Salvador or president could force them to release people.
This is the only standard by which the Trump administration operates.
Just being a white male isn’t enough any more.
America has its Gestapo now. How much longer until they create SS that swears fealty not to the US but to Trump?
They’ve already sworn fealty to Trump. Non-fascists don’t join ICE.
Yep, they’re all Nazis or sympathizers
That was 10 years ago. DHS is the Gestapo you’re seeing now, courtesy of the Patriot Act. They’ve already sworn fealty to Trump. People are looking at January 6th as an isolated event, but it proved how far the right-wing could get if they wanted to forcefully take over the government.
This is horrific. Shame of the country.
Republicans: Meh, what’s the big deal?