I have never been good at making money or having a job.
I have been on SSDI for Major Depression the last 20 years and have had multiple hospitalizations for wanting to off myself.
I feel quite worthless and useless. I have been trying to get a job for the past 5 years or so. I have had some success with a couple of internships but nothing real.
Now I am outside the country and the home I was living in is being sold and I am being ordered to vacate. I’m not even in the country yet so I might be losing all my personal possessions.
I really don’t know what to do. I am thinking of ending my life. I don’t even know where to go for treatment.
Hey friend. I know that things feel very big and overwhelming. Is there someone local that you can ask to help navigate this with you? I mean both local to where you are now and where your stuff is. Local to you can help with what you yourself are feeling and doing and local to your stuff to potentially halp on that end?
I have a friend who is going to help me out.
I’m glad to hear that. How are you doing?
I’ve been at home waiting for my Betterhelp therapy session. Then I am going to go out and enjoy one of my last days in Thailand.
That’s great that you are getting some support and enjoyment.