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Ladies and gentlemen, the dumbest person on the planet, Donald Trump.
Ladies and gentlemen, the dumbest person on the planet, Donald Trump.
Still stolen land.
Yes, and so is the USA. Canada needs to work on its own problems, not be annexed by another country with similar problems.
Yeah, Canada’s problems don’t need to be solved by annexation, and wouldn’t be solved by annexation.
Both need to be abolished.
Is there a practical component to your argument or are you just sticking with ideal hypotheticals.
I would practically like to see Canada and the US broken up by indigenous resistance.
It seems impossible until it is inevitable.
If you’re going to keep talking like this, then get it really correct, dumbass. No human group is indigenous to North or South America, every single group immigrated here. Some did so 30,000 years ago, 20,000 or so years before the Levantine fairy tales claim the world began, and people have been coming here since then. And things were pretty decent in most parts until the religious nutcases arrived. And then the mercantile types came along and made things exponentially worse. As someone who was born on these lands, and grew up with many First Nations friends, I have the utmost respect for them and their cultures. It sounds like you’re more of a troll than anything else.
You call me a troll and then say no one is indigenous? And pretend like you respect any of your so-called friends? 🙄
You can be racist even when you have non-white friends.
I’m not interested in your Dawkins-esque "well ackchually we’re ALL Africans 😏 " - indigenous people are real.
I mean, yeah, every plot of land was “stolen” from another group throughout history. Even going back to before Homo sapiens, and most certainly between indigenous tribes.
Fortunately, Canada has acknowledged our history, and has been in the position to give back and support our first nations throughout the years.
More work needs to be done, for sure, but this doesn’t diminish Canada in any way.
This colonizer horse shit ignores the fact that the people you stole the land from are still here. Where’s the repairations?
Clearly you’re not paying attention.
Has Canada started returning the land it stole?
I see you’re from Iowa so probably not familiar with a lot of our news. Here are a few links to recent land and governance transfers, and modern treaties in BC. As I live here these are the ones I know about, there are probably more in other provinces. While there is still so much to be done, these are excellent starts. Cheers
Haida Title Lands Agreement Agreement
CBC article
Nisga’a Final Agreement (2000) Agreement
More information
K’ómoks First Nation (In process) BC Govt page on the process
Final Treaty Document
K’omoks website
And when will they give it all back? And how about all the profits made from resource extraction? The minerals, trees, and oil were stolen too.
Let’s ask, for example, @ininewcrow@lemmy.ca about how he feels about things, instead of an agitator. He has a lot of stories to tell.
I’m in northern Ontario and the treaty dealings we have here mostly feel like showmanship and political theatre.
On one hand we have governments making deals that include resource development and revenue sharing (a process where First Nations enter into agreements where resource development can happen, provided that profits are shared with First Nations) … which is good on the face of it. Government has also given us more control over who comes and goes and does work in our territories … which is also good.
But if a situation arises where a company finds a major deposit or the chances of a major deposit of minerals … all agreements are more or less off the table and government and industry will bulldoze their way over and through First Nations to get what they want.
We have a right to participate, we have a right to agree, we have a right to share some wealth … we don’t have a right to refuse.
We’re currently dealing with a major resource development called the ‘Ring of Fire’ in northwestern Ontario in very remote territory that has no roads or rail service. They think they’ve discovered major resource areas there and companies are scrambling to get there. First Nations want to take their time and work out deals to best suit them … government wants to push everything through as fast and as easily as possible with or without First Nations. A couple of First Nations have tacitly agreed to the building of a new all season road to this new development area and many more First Nations have NOT agreed … but due to company greed that really, really, really want to develop this land and the support of a conservative Ontario government, they are all wanting to just push everything through regardless of how First Nations feel about it all. Our Ontario Premier famously said last year ‘If I have to hop on a bulldozer myself, we’re going to start building roads to the Ring of Fire’
So yes, governments are giving us back control of the land … but if there is something valuable there or they need the land for something, that control is easily removed, forgotten and useless
It’s still very paternalistic when you think about it … it’s like a parent telling their child that they have their own room in the house … but if the child disagrees with something or refuses an order, their room is no longer theirs and their right to free space in the parent’s house can be taken away.
There’s something called the internet that can answer all your stupid questions. Start with, ‘has the US given back any land they stole from Indigenous people?’
Actually, Yes
Yeah, so I have relatives with first nation blood, so I won’t own your toxic comment.
Without knowing what you consider to be important, the Government of Canada has helped to fund quite a few projects to help our indigenous people: Healthcare, infrastructure, social assistance, clean water, trade, business and economic growth within their communities, etc.
Hundreds of millions are spent each year to ensure that we do what’s right.
We’ve settled land claims (with more to come), and have worked to protect first nation culture and languages.
There’s always more to be done, and as I mentioned, Canada acknowledges that this is still a work in progress.
A few government handouts don’t make up for the centuries of superexploitation.
Land back or nothing.
Two questions:
Are you in Canada?
Are you/your people indigenous to land now within Canadian borders?
That’s never going to happen. Various bands are not getting back land that now host large cities and infrastructure. You can rail against that injustice until your death, which will accomplish nothing, or you can try to find a way forward.
And I say this as someone who believes that Canadian demographics are against you. The white guilt of colonization is quickly diluting into the pool of 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants who feel no guilt and have no connection to this questionable past. At that point nobody will care and your culture will be erased like so many others in the past.
1% Indian princess encourages those whining natives to shut up, they’re listening!
I don’t know about lack of reparations. Where I live it is only the Indigenous groups that have massive amounts of federal and provincial money to spend. All sorts of fancy new buildings going up for housing and recreation and self-government.
That’s some good longevity, Lou.
I honestly don’t understand the downvotes. Canada is a settler colonial state, does anyone dispute that here? The indigenous people were coerced into “signing treaties” without having the legal and cultural framework, and without having the status and power to be fully free parties into a free agreement. And regardless, this is one of the things we are actually doing better(*) than the yanks: we have had a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and we are learning to cope with our past. Every person who becomes Canadian swears to “faithfully observe the laws of Canada including the Constitution which recognizes and affirms the aboriginal and treaty rights of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples”.
The US is a country that had a noble foundation and a shitty follow through. Canada is the opposite: a shitty foundation, a noble follow through. We are precisely the one of the two that does not pretend we came from the pure ideal of some idealized founding daddies, we specifically understand that we must always improve. We’re a forward facing people. That’s why I’m proud to be Canadian.
(*) “better”, not well. We actually have a very long way to go, and we still are very bad at treating indigenous people. The downvotes actually attest to that.
There’s been a surge of Canadian nationalism because of Trump’s trade war bullshit, a lot of Canadians don’t want to hear any attacks on the motherland. A similar thing is happening in Europe.