Can someone explain to me
- Why does he think Trump the yaphead would ever shut up about anything ever
- What good are “bilateral talks” with someone that can’t keep their word anyway ?
What is the point here trying to show everyone just how much of a illequipped, stay-the-course, liberal empty suit he is and how he’s going to boldly going to try to “do the same thing we’ve always done except not woke this time and hope it keeps working”
Don’t these people understand that the US is only good at one thing and it’s eating liberal banking stiffs alive ?
Are they trying to lose on purpose ?
Clarification required. What bets are being hedged here, regarding “there isn’t any point in bilateral talks, but let’s say we’ll do it if he shuts up about that thing that he can’t stop talking about” ? I don’t see a bet and I don’t see a hedge.
Yup, covered in “there isn’t any point in bilateral talks” above.
Not seeing that any such “red lines” have been put in. The closest is the demand that you-know-who stop talking about you-know-what, but … a red line is “don’t do yak yak, if you do that you cross a red line and we will respond by blah blah” and in this case orange voldemort has already done yak yak and there’s no blah blah response given.
You’ve got a point here. But the moment that 51st state started to get mentioned, the face was lost. So in this specific category, is there really anything left to lose?
Agreed! I’d argue we’re already starting to do that (e.g. Doug Ford’s electric surcharge threat).