Good evening, everyone!

I’ve done a search through this group and I’m not able to find anything on my topic question, so I’ll create a post.

How do you organised your threads? I bought these plastic floss cards from Spotlight, and at first I thought they were a good idea because they’ll last longer than cardboard ones, but I’m having troubles with the threads coming undone.

4-6 strands on one seems to hold well, but when there’s only two, they start to unravel.

Any tips on how to manage this? Or should I start over with something else? I’m contemplating tiny pieces of painters tape to keep them together. I don’t even know if I’m wrapping them correctly.

Also tried trusty Google, but I don’t think I’ve used the right key words. A lot of results are not giving me what I need.

Thanks in advance. 🤗

    11 hours ago

    I’m looking at designing my own plastic floss cards—advantages of owning a 3D printer—since I intend to go on an organizing binge after finishing my current project (soon). I’m leaning toward something with a largish oval hole at one end that I can use to secure the thread with a lark’s head before winding it around the body of the card. Less risk of the thread becoming completely dissociated from the card that way, even if the cats get into my stash.