The best thing would be to fully remove police from traffic tickets. Have enforcement for traffic ONLY. If you speed you are given a speeding ticket and move on. None of this let me check your asshole while I pulled you over for a broken tail light.
Berkeley has been working on exactly this. Traffic enforcement wouldnt done by the police department but by a civilian department of transportation. We are a bit hamstrung by state law and it’s been slow going but look up BerkDoT to see how another world might be possible.
80% of police work could be done better by trained social workers.
The best thing would be to fully remove police from traffic tickets. Have enforcement for traffic ONLY. If you speed you are given a speeding ticket and move on. None of this let me check your asshole while I pulled you over for a broken tail light.
Berkeley has been working on exactly this. Traffic enforcement wouldnt done by the police department but by a civilian department of transportation. We are a bit hamstrung by state law and it’s been slow going but look up BerkDoT to see how another world might be possible.
Maybe we shouldn’t make police do non-police work? Crazy idea, I know.
Here’s another: We should pay EMTs more!
Take half of the police budget and put it into teachers and healthcare professionals