For me, it was The Monkey. Finally got a chance to catch it.
Personally I really enjoyed it. Had a lot of comedy elements that some whom dont enjoy the mix likely wouldn’t like but it really worked for me. Likely one of my favourite Perkins films so far.
You guys? Doesn’t have to be a new movie just the last you’ve watched.
My Bloody Valentine. Small Canadian slasher that was all but banned on release. My local indie theatre (the Rio!) Played it, with the director rocking a QA after.
For a 70s slasher, it’s got surprisingly good gore effects and whatnot. And some of the moat exaggerated Canadian accents I’ve heard. Solid B movie fun!
It’s great! It sits along the shelf of genuinely super Canadian horror movies with The Gate, The Changeling, and Videodrome…
I am shamed to say I’ve only seen Videodrome.
But based on this, I’ve added the other 2 to my watch list!