This is an Austrian company that offers mobile payments with barcode/qr-code in shops in Austria and Germany, as well as in a few places in Italy and Luxembourg.

I use it since one year. It works fine, but it could definitely use more attention, so that more shops start to accept it. What are your thoughts on that?

    14 hours ago

    I haven’t used SPIN yet, but on the bank apps it now shows up right there in the send money transfer, where usually we would put an IBAN. It says you can use SPIN which would just be a normal phone number, so I guess it’s an alias between iban <-> phone number and the interface allows to use it. On the setttings I can register the phone to the account to activate it. I read somewhere that it wouldn’t show personal info, which seems weird, since mbway went all in recently with just spamming all the full name of people when you put a phone number to send money now.