Can’t believe this has to be explained, but a Journal is almost by definition something that you want to keep forever. Do you want to lock yourself into Apple devices forever? Have you ever heard of Nokia?
I can’t believe I have to explain this but Apple’s strength comes from their ecosystem. From smart home devices to appliances, to copy paste between devices, storing files in iCloud, air drop, and much much more.
There are a plethora of journal apps that will likely do what you want. Moreover, now. After all Apple has done to build and advance their ecosystem, now. A journal app. That’s the deal breaker?
Export to what? Why? Jesus like pick some random, arbitrary feature to spread FUD 🤷♂️
Can’t believe this has to be explained, but a Journal is almost by definition something that you want to keep forever. Do you want to lock yourself into Apple devices forever? Have you ever heard of Nokia?
I can’t believe I have to explain this but Apple’s strength comes from their ecosystem. From smart home devices to appliances, to copy paste between devices, storing files in iCloud, air drop, and much much more.
There are a plethora of journal apps that will likely do what you want. Moreover, now. After all Apple has done to build and advance their ecosystem, now. A journal app. That’s the deal breaker?
Like I said, coocoo.