The list:

  • Harvard University
  • George Washington University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • New York University
  • Northwestern University
  • the University of California, Los Angeles
  • the University of California, Berkeley
  • the University of Minnesota
  • the University of Southern California.
    9 days ago

    This has nothing to do with antisemitism and everything with oligarchic takeover of academia. The goal is to inflict financial pain on the largest research universities located in states where republicans have limited power. Many of these universities (at least the private ones) will be able to offset some of the financial deficits through accepting private donations that will increase the influence of donors over university policies, so they can realign them with the oligarchs.

    In the meantime, the big name universities will start applying for private grants making those unattainable for smaller institutions, so this financial pain will “trickle down”. The long-term effect will be, fewer PhDs, fewer people wanting to do science, fewer people coming to the USA to do research and will overall put an end to US scientific supremacy that has always relied on brain drain anyway.

    Just another great example how trump and trumpists don’t understand geopolitics (they are triggering nuclear rearmament), and they don’t understand science either (they want scientific solutions, like carbon capture, but hate scientists who figure these out).

    The GOP is trying to portray itself as the “anti elitism party”, but in reality they are simply the financial elite’s party attacking the intellectual elite. Ironically what draws working people towards the GOP is the idea that one day they’ll become rich-rich. In reality, helping people to get an education is a much more realistic goal and would actually help society as a whole.