AnarchoNinaAnalyzes (@AnarchoNinaAnalyzes@treehouse.systems)
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I might have to post about this again if and when Trump actually signs the order, but I wanted to highlight this Guardian post because White House staff secretary Will Scharf really goes out of his way to give away the whole fascist game of Calvinball going on here.
This is fascist ideological policing 101 and yet another example of the crass word games these nazis are using to create a fascist dictatorship in America. Scharf openly admits that it's NOT just criminal activity the regime intends to target, but literally "what *we* would consider to be improper activities" - and by we, he means the fascist Trump administration of course. Furthermore Scharf goes on the clarify the government intends to prevent student loan forgiveness for federal employees that "support" illegal immigration and foreign terrorist organizations, and as we just discussed yesterday "support" is a nebulous term that means whatever the fascists want it to mean, and by pre-emptively declaring anyone who opposes Israel's genocide in Gaza to be "pro-Hamas" the regime has the ability to accuse anyone protesting a genocide funded, armed, and supported by the American empire, of "supporting foreign terrorist organizations." Have you posted criticism of Israeli crimes against humanity in Gaza online? Have you publicly objected to cruel ICE raids targeting hard-working migrants and their children? Then these fascist assholes literally mean people like you when they're discussing who this will target.
A lot of people are going to ignore this because "it's just student loan forgiveness for federal employees" and American attitudes towards students and loan forgiveness have been poisoned by a mainstream discourse that has taught them to hate college students and assume anyone getting loan forgiveness is a parasite who is getting away with something *they* don't have access to. The fact is however that the Trump regime is asserting the government's right to marginalize anyone who doesn't agree with their odious ideological positions, and that opposing those positions makes you ineligible for rights and support services that are by design, legally open to everyone who qualifies. Historically speaking, this is always how fascist regimes and ideological dictatorships start. They don't build Dachau on day one, they start by restricting access to government services and denying the benefits of a larger democratic society to targeted marginalized groups "regular" people don't like very much for typically hateful reasons. Once they've got you to agree that the government has the right to punish and revoke the rights and privileges of *some* people for ideological reasons, you've now handed them a skeleton key and a proof of concept model for doing it to literally anyone the fascist regime says is "bad" or even just "wrong."
#Fascism #Trump #StudentLoans #NaziGermany #IdeologicalPolicing #PoliceState #USPol #WillScharf
I would kindly ask you to speak for yourself. Leftists and historians have warned about the fascist tendencies of Trump and the Republican Party for years. We know from history how fast things move once fascists start seizing actual power (as opposed to just cultural power/media hegemony). It’s okay to be surprised, it’s okay to admit you did not expect this, as corporate media and the center-right Democrat establishment has largely been downplaying the seriousness of your situation. But please don’t erase all the voices that have been warning you about this, as they are also the ones you should listen to more if you want to resist fascism.
The way I see it, the Democrats have to open up to leftists and progressives and abandon their bipartisan centrism bs. You need another FDR and an associated narrative to stomp out fascism. You need a proper alliance of the center and the left, which requires the Democrats to get their sh** together and actually start resisting. Walz is doing great btw if you want an example of what left-moderate Democrats should be doing rn.
Here’s one of my favorite quotes from Erich Kästner (1899-1974), a german pacifist and staunch opponent of the nazi-regime, whose books were burned by the nazis, outlining his lessons from that horrible time in history:
My attempt at translation (German to English is kind of weird if you want to keep the sentence structure close to the original text):