I’m confused why Kotaku mentioning next gen in the title when Rockstar only commented on current generation PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.
Eh they’ll make a PC version at some point
This is stupid because they literally developed the damn game on PC. The only reason to do a console priority release is artificial scarcity. They know a certain subset of PC gamers will buy the game twice. Once on console for FOMO. And again on PC for the proper experience.
suspect pc is last priority due to the higher rate of piracy and lower rate of in-app-purchases. oh and the mod scene - for some reason rock* doesn’t want people extending the lives of their products even for single player play. weeeeeak.
Well, that’s shitty. I’ll never understand why some of these companies are so dated in their thinking.
Because they know most PC gamers have at least one console as well, and they’ll buy it on release at full price, and then again on PC for the better gaming experience.
Cause idiots literally go out and buy a console , then get the game there, then get it again on their PC in 18 months and literally foam at the mouth all the while.
Remember these publishers are in an ouroboros style circle jerk with console makers. They move without giving a tug, and never move without getting a tug. They go console exclusive to boost console sales in the first year, use that time to continue to improve the half baked game, then release on PC with higher specs to reap the PC fans marveling at the higher graphics.
Why would you buy GTA 6 after 5 became a live service game? Fuck rockstar.
I mean, if the single player is still good, which 5’s was too imo
I am afraid they will make the whole game subscription based. You won’t even be allowed to own the single player experience
honestly not a lot of people care game is still fun
This was the first entry I was actually excited about!
But Rockstar once again hates PC gamers…
Seriously… sexy ladies in a modern AAA games… no “stoic flat chested tomboys”
My jaw dropped when I saw that shit
Yes please. Tired of that woke shit
your hands are tired for jerking off at that woke shit huh? Need a break cause the sores are too much to bear?
JFK get ahold of yourself. Its fucking Rockstar. Like its not going to have Tits and Ass everywhere. Did you even fucking watch the preview video?
I did, and I think you misunderstand, I am glad that it had tits and ass everywhere, Rockstar aren’t the rock stars they used to be. Did you see that Grand Theft Auto remastered?
I am actually glad Grand Theft Auto VI has decided that women are allowed to look feminine, what a novel fucking concept am I right? Female characters looking like they’re actually female.
Yes I understand that it’s a cartoon exaggeration of what a woman looks like, I don’t care, Grand Theft Auto is supposed to be a violent cartoon, let it be one. Fuck
Mark my words as the real JC Denton, this game will be bad
Except for the online.
That will be bad and full of microtransactions
I’m sure they spent the last ten years figuring out how to put mtx into gta singleplayer. It wouldn’t be that hard.
I’m not buying a console for this game. Pc gaming has gotten a lot bigger, I’d be surprised if they skipped it.
And unlike when GTA5 came out, now the XBox and PlayStation have the same CPU architecture as PC.
Still I wont be surprised since they’ve delayed PC since GTA3, but its still annoying
it’s not necessarily the architecture that’s the problem it’s just optimizations as you only have set hardware to optimize for on console as compared to pc
Too many games exist to be played in one lifetime now, who gives a shit, the series stopped being good after GTA 2 anyway
lol pick the worst of all of them
Here’s to hoping this game doesn’t make you feel like you’re walking drunk. I would have played Grand theft Auto v if the movement didn’t feel clunky
I think the bigger issue is that the franchise is stuck in the USA, at the same locations, in the same gangsta American dream plot. I was hoping by they would branch out as there as so many other interesting places outside of the USA that are car focused that are dying to be explored. When I watched the trailer, I felt like I already played this game.
Far Cry covers the impoverished/autocratic nations.
Including Montana.
I was thinking more Singapore, Tokyo or for something very different like Ho Chi Minh(Saigon) or similar. GTA, but in a radically different type of city not just jungle and villages.
I’d like to suggest Sleeping Dogs 👍