For sure! That dumb shit loser George WMD Bush kicked that shit off into high gear after Reagan, Daddy Bush, and Weirdo Clinton ruined our global standing.
Fuck the elites and their shitshow.
Edit: BTW what we have isn’t capitalism it’s psycho capitalism. Basically the wrong people are in charge. ELITES. Shit bags. Losers. Black sheep fucks. Communism has that too. The reality is nothing works if it’s corrupt so arguing that capitalism vs communism are the problem is myopic as fuck. Shut up. It’s not either or. It’s corruption and shit bag elites who DIDNT EARN THEIR PLACES.
Maybe but also factor in that people have been predicting the downfall of the USA since the 1960s.
Jesus’s return tour has been delayed since the year 1000. I don’t listen to the doomsayers. While I see the traditional American lifestyle ending there won’t be a hard collapse. Cities are already evolving and the rural areas whose conservative values helped cause this mess are dying.
Thoughts and prayers
Yes, absolutely