My wife was telling me at her work they’re desperate for cobol programmers, as they’re all retiring boomers leaving behind a giant code base. At my work, it’s legacy fortran that’s all over the place, but we’re a much smaller company.
I know COBOL, its pretty easy to pick up honestly. Its just the 40+ years of context and the "WHY"s that they did what they did that is hard.
With how many people are looking for COBOL I really should just make a resume specific to it, put salary * 1.2 and see if any remote positions pop up. Love my job, but with the latest news…
My wife was telling me at her work they’re desperate for cobol programmers, as they’re all retiring boomers leaving behind a giant code base. At my work, it’s legacy fortran that’s all over the place, but we’re a much smaller company.
I know COBOL, its pretty easy to pick up honestly. Its just the 40+ years of context and the "WHY"s that they did what they did that is hard.
With how many people are looking for COBOL I really should just make a resume specific to it, put salary * 1.2 and see if any remote positions pop up. Love my job, but with the latest news…
What’s the latest news?
I work in a field that is 1. in the news every day and 2. is seeing HEAVY changes. Im sure you can figure it out ;).
They cant fire me, but I might be on accident haha.
Ouch. Well if you wanna take your chances in Canada, definitely advertise your senior COBOL dev skills! ;)
Can I take a a guess? If not, please ignore the next sentence.
Finance companies with a “database” is a gigantic flat file?
Lol yeah she’s in insurance! I bet you could probably also infer from the fortran that I work for a science-y outfit.