So I’m trying to replay some gen 3 pokemon. I played Saphire as a kid and I loved it. Going back now as an adult, I’m really struggling. I’m finding it incredibly grindy, and I die inside a little every time I see a long stretch of tall grass. What have I forgotten? What am I missing now that I got as a kid? Any tips?

    1 month ago

    You mentioned dread of long stretches of grass. Buy Repels!
    Seriously, that skips 90% of the useless animations.
    If you find yourself underleveled, just use X-Items, those are busted.
    For the Elite Four use the legendary Pokémon Rayquaza, it’s overleveled in Emerald at level 70. If you don’t want to use legendaries, you can use Linoone to sweep the the whole Elite Four.