The American political right’s complicated internal debate over Russia and Vladimir Putin is coming to a head.

Even as congressional Republicans this week were threatening to cut off Ukraine aid once and for all, former president Donald Trump floated the idea that he would encourage Putin to attack NATO countries that didn’t pay enough; Tucker Carlson set about what was effectively a pro-Russian propaganda tour in which he downplayed Putin’s killing of political opponents; and then top Putin opposition leader Alexei Navalny was reported dead in prison.

The confluence of events has suddenly led to some stark comments from the more anti-Putin wing of the Republican Party, which set about deriding any Putin apologists and Russian propagandists in their midst.


    8 months ago

    It’s so transparent.

    Putin gets Tucker to come over, platforms himself to the idiots in the US, they go around on news interviews saying how he’s not so bad, Putin has Navalny killed n an obvious way, cognitive dissonance ensues, Republicans become further entrenched rather than admit they are beholden to a dictator and his boss, Putin.

    It’s like a mob boss putting a cigarette out in a bought cop’s beer he gave him then insisting he finish it. A little reminder of who is in charge.