I’m a 21 year old guy and struggle with depression for my whole life because of traumatic things I experienced from my parents.

About 2 years ago I completely lost all my spirit and willingness in life. I fell into this dark hole where I’m not able to do anything on my own anymore and had to move back to my parents since I wasn’t able to live on my own anymore.

Since then I spent the full 2 years completely alone in my room every single day and haven’t been outside or met anyone since. I only get outside maybe once a month to buy groceries but except from that I don’t see the world anymore, have no activities to do and live with pure hopelessness, no money and very little food.

Even though my family knows all that and I’m crying out for help, no one is helping me. I’ve lived in many facilities before, went to therapy and have a psychiatrist but all they do is talk but that’s it. I tried my very best but realized that I’m just not capable to live on my own.

And then all my parents do (especially my father) is treating me the same way like when I was a kid that caused my depression in the first place by letting out their dissatisfaction/frustration with themselves on me and baselessly blaming/criticizing me for every little thing. And all that is just making it so much worse and harder for me to get out of the situation.

They let me suffer in hell until I go insane or die.

I don’t understand why this world is so cruel. It feels like no one cares about people who suffer.

I don’t get that. If I was better off and knew someone in such a situation I would do everything to help them and give them what they need. Why is no one helping and just let you suffer like that?

  • j4k3@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    There are many types of functional thought. None are right or wrong. They often can conflict in complex ways. I didn’t really start learning about this until my 30’s and mostly within the last 2 years. My thinking is very different than my father. He doesn’t understand very much on a fundamental abstracted level like I do. He is much more effective at just getting simple stuff done, but he hates learning, has no curiosity or self awareness. I remind myself of Hanlon’s razor, to assume stupidity over malice, almost daily.

    I think there are more of us here in similar circumstances than are not. I have to tell myself that my folks did their best with the info they had and their limitations. It is okay to be smarter than your family, yet know your own limitations. I turned to riding a bicycle everywhere as an outlet. When that disabled me after fighting and totalling 2 SUVs, I turned to electronics, programing, Linux, and in more recent years AI. I’m not doing great, but I’m not dead yet. I’d rather be alone with my curiosity than with stupid people.