Stumped as to how this can happen.
I have a message for any would be high school shooters: billionaires are better.
finding the people responsible for your material conditions is extremely difficult.
Billionaires didn’t give these kids wedgies every day of their school life.
lashing out at those close enough to have helped is about all they have.
I understand.
Billionaires are better.
Hah! I like it
I thought Trump was going to fix everything day one!
“‘Nothing can be done’ say officials in the only country where this happens regularly”
“‘Let’s arm the teachers, and sell the kids body armor!’, say the same people.”
This is Trump’s America. Shame.
Egg prices and rent still too high, too.
Ukrainians still dying in Russia’s attempted genocide.
Gazans no better.
Also, all Americans are female, by Executive decree.