
Polls show a majority blame insurance and pharmaceutical companies for high costs, denied claims, and access issues.

Only 44% rate U.S. health care quality as “good” or “excellent,” a 20-year low.

Support for government intervention is rising, with 62% favoring federal responsibility for universal health care.

Meanwhile, satisfaction with the Affordable Care Act has grown, with 54% approving.

Trump’s unclear health care overhaul plans are entering a polarized environment where Americans remain split on private versus government-run systems.

    3 months ago

    Returning to this. Tax law by itself is least problem. Recent example is Canada, where they zeroed taxes for month, and prices got increased as result. Private companies will charge as much as people are willing to pay.

    I will expand my other reply and tell how and why UHC will make even private healthcare better. Right now in USSA alternative to private healthcare is dying. While in developed countries alternative to private healthcare is healthcare. When even worst national insurance(other kind of single-player system) provides functioning healthcare, asking 1k for spit-and-pray healthcare is not a viable buisness model. If you really want competetion for patients, then UHC is it. Without it yoir healthcare is race to the bottom - minimum healthcare for maximum price.