• The Bard in Green@lemmy.starlightkel.xyz
    4 months ago

    I actually met this mother fucker in Mexico in 1999, giving a talk on habitat preservation at Lagoona San Ignacio to a bunch of C list celebrities who were there to support the Natural Resource Defense Council and it’s efforts to stop Mitsubishi from building a salt extraction plant in the middle of a gray whale breeding sanctuary (super good cause).

    I was there with a bunch of high school students who’s rich white parents paid for them to go on an expensive ass field trip to watch whales fuck (and do eco protest activist tourism). Coincidentally, the NRDC was there too and they got really excited to invite a bunch of American highschool students to their media shindig.

    RFK Jr. got SUPER drunk and gave a sloppy, rambling, barely coherent speech, thanking people for their generosity. The kids were like “WTF is up with this dude? We’ve never seen grownups act like this!”

    We did get to hear some really cool marine biologists talk about gray whales. Then one of THEM (Roger Payne, I think) got really drunk too and told us “Whales are people damn it! But you can’t publish that! You can’t fucking publish that!”