I remember when I was working with .NET and I saw some web service code and I saw there was no try catches. They didn’t have a global catch in the asax either or anything. I just wrapped each call into a try catch and log.
I got the same treatment where my manager wanted to know what happened with the increase in errors. I told him what I did. My manager got another developer to go through my commits regardless. I was a bit upset at the lack of trust.
A manager that can’t read a simple try catch commit? Why am I surprised.
they shouldn’t have to do that. the commit log tells the manager who to go ask.
and since the developer did that to be a big swinging dick instead of bringing it up to the team in a meeting as a problem to address together the manager didn’t trust them.
makes sense to people that have to manage other humans.
This is a massive assumption from the story that was provided. We don’t know that they didn’t discuss with the team and an explanation of “I added a log to errors that were already happening” shouldn’t result in lack of trust from the manager.
Reactive managers like that are a big problem in the industry.
“My project” doesn’t exist in any team. It’s everyone’s project. A manager needs to have a long conversation with Pink Pants.
If you build your project at anything but highest error level,
clang -Wall
etc., you’re letting errors in, relying at best on coincidence to work the way you think it does.Commit it and don’t revert it!
The second panel would be “No, I enabled error reporting. Those errors belong to just you.”
need a blame.css but for code
I’ll see your blame.css and raise you git blame somebody else